Rebel Empress

A Novel of Imperial Rome

Fiction - Historical - Personage
386 Pages
Reviewed on 09/26/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Grant Leishman for Readers' Favorite

Rebel Empress by Faith L. Justice is a towering saga of love, loss, betrayal, and political machinations in the Imperial Court of principally the Eastern Roman Empire in the fifth century. Athenais is the beautiful daughter of an ordinary Athenian scholar. When her father dies and leaves his assets to her older brothers, Athenais not only loses her beloved father but also any chance of a dowry that might allow her to find a suitable marriage partner. She is shuffled off to Constantinople, to her uncle’s estate. Her uncle is a functionary in the court of the Eastern Emperor, Augustus Theodosius II. Although Theodosius was proclaimed Emperor as an infant, his older sister, Pulcheria, ruled the Eastern Empire as regent until he reached his majority. With Pulcheria closely advising and dominating Theodosius, even after his majority, certain societal elements sought to weaken her dominance by marrying Theodosius off to a suitable candidate of their choosing. Athenais was deemed the right choice and her elevation from commoner to Augusta would be swift and telling. 

Rebel Empress is the third in a series by Faith L. Justice that highlights the powerful role of women in the Roman Empire. I love historical fiction that takes well-known historical data and characters and then melds them into a story that supports the known history. Judging by this novel, the author is an absolute master at this art. The depth of character development, personal interactions, political drama, and intrigue lift this above its competitors in the genre. The focus, not only on women, but also on intelligent, forthright, and fiercely independent thinkers, clearly highlights that these women were far more than just baby factories for the production of heirs. I appreciated the counterpoint with some of the leading male characters who were easily led by others into falsehoods, paranoia, or slaves to their libidos. I found it satisfying that even Athenais, who was often treated abominably, especially by Pulcheria, did find a deep respect and understanding for the other woman’s perspective and position. This highlighting of the differences between the women and the men who ruled the Roman Empire was as unexpected as it was rewarding. I always appreciate the extra knowledge of a time and culture different from today that historical novels give us. This novel will educate and inform as well as greatly entertain. I loved the backstabbing, betrayal, and political intrigue that is an integral part of this tale. Equally fascinating was the divisive aspect of early Christianity as differing Christian factions sought to impose their interpretations of the nature of God and their religion on others. This is a fantastic read and a candidate for my book of the year so far. I highly recommend it.