
Children of the Consortium Book 1

Christian - Fantasy/Sci-Fi
448 Pages
Reviewed on 10/18/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Demetria Head for Readers' Favorite

Recorder, the first novel in Cathy McCrumb’s Children of the Consortium series, introduces readers to a chillingly structured universe controlled by the Consortium, where individuals like Recorder Zeta4542910-95451E—known simply as "Recorder"—exist without family, friends, or even a name. Born into this existence, Recorder’s sole purpose is to maintain objectivity, ensuring the accuracy of records through neural implants and drones that punish any sign of bias or emotional deviation. However, when she is suddenly disconnected from her controlling technology, Recorder experiences something profoundly human: emotion. With her very survival and that of others now at risk, Recorder must navigate the dangerous new terrain of free will and human connection. Cathy McCrumb crafts a deeply immersive narrative where Recorder’s journey toward autonomy is as much an internal battle as it is a rebellion against the system that created her.

Cathy McCrumb sets the tone from the very first page of Recorder, plunging readers into a world of strict protocol and looming dangers. Recorder's detachment, initially a consequence of her training and implants, evolves as she faces the profound transformation of becoming more than just a tool of the Consortium. The plot is tightly woven, building suspense as Recorder grapples with her newfound feelings and the potential consequences of expressing them. What makes Recorder particularly appealing to fans of Christian sci-fi/fantasy is its exploration of moral and ethical dilemmas through a distinctly spiritual lens. The author asks big questions about identity, the nature of free will, and the soul's yearning for truth. The plot threads of sacrifice, redemption, and the search for meaning resonate with Christian allegories, making this a story that works on multiple levels. Whether it’s Recorder's internal conflict or the external challenges she faces on her perilous mission, Cathy McCrumb keeps readers hooked with complex character development and high-stakes tension, drawing them into a world where humanity’s core values hang in the balance.