Red, White & Verse

Our Myths, Legends & Stories

Poetry - General
279 Pages
Reviewed on 08/08/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by K.C. Finn for Readers' Favorite

Red, White & Verse: Our Myths, Legends & Stories is a work of collected poetry by author Greg McNeilly in the identity and culture genres. This collection celebrates America's rich legacy through evocative verse, highlighting significant figures, landmarks, and events in American history. From early encounters with Pocahontas to the activism of Frederick Douglass and monumental occurrences like Pearl Harbor and September 11, McNeilly's work spans the breadth of the nation's story. The poems also touch on America's natural wonders, cultural milestones, and iconic moments, aiming to rejuvenate readers' connections to their history and each other. Illustrated with hand-drawn ink art and paired with historical facts, the collection serves as both a tribute and a call to honor the American spirit.

Author Greg McNeilly has created a stirring and deeply patriotic work that brings American history to life through the power of poetry. McNeilly's ability to capture the essence of American heroism and history through lyrical verse is remarkable, offering readers a fresh and profound perspective on familiar stories. The author's use of vivid imagery and heartfelt language breathes new life into well-known events and figures, making them feel both intimate and grand. McNeilly's poetic style is accessible yet evocative, striking a balance between emotional resonance and historical accuracy. The inclusion of hand-drawn ink art and historical facts alongside the poems adds depth and context to the verses, enhancing the reader's appreciation of the nation's myths and legends. Some particular favorites of mine included the memorable rhyming couplets of 'Spaces We Hold Dear' and the unique homage to Thomas Edison in 'By Our Own Hands'. Overall, Red, White & Verse: Our Myths, Legends & Stories is a powerful and beautifully crafted work that not only celebrates America's past but also encourages readers to reflect on their place in the ongoing narrative of the nation.