Remember Me As Sunshine

Love Notes from My Dog

Non-Fiction - Art/Photography
Kindle Edition
Reviewed on 09/01/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Emily-Jane Hills Orford for Readers' Favorite

Anyone who has loved a dog (or any pet for that matter) and brought the dog into their home, their life, and their heart, knows the intensity of this cherished bond. We care for these furry friends as a member of our families and love them with an indescribable passion. When it’s time to part ways, and our beloved dog must take the route of the Rainbow Bridge, we are inconsolable and heartbroken. There’s a deep hole in our hearts that nothing can fill; there is no replacement available, nor would we want to seek a replacement. Jacqueline Lemieux-Bokor’s book, Remember Me as Sunshine, is a tender tribute to a loving fur-baby who has moved on. From the beginning of one’s attachment to a specific dog to the soul-crushing final moments, the words and photographs are poignant memories of what we had and what remains only in our memories.

Jacqueline Lemieux-Bokor’s book, Remember Me as Sunshine: Love Notes from My Dog, is a fitting tribute to a cherished family member and best friend. The author’s approach is unique as she describes the compassionate feelings, demonstrating the dog’s unconditional love, in his/her words, as love letters to the owner. The photographs for each letter note entry are sublime as the author not only uses images of cherished dogs but also photographs of flowers and other things that connected her with her dog, like flowers from her garden that the two walked past on their daily outings. At the end of the book are pages for readers to enter their own cherished memories, and letters their beloved pets might write to them. For anyone who has ever owned, loved, and lost a treasured dog, a furry best friend, or an important family member, this book is a sweet and endearing look at how our best friends probably view us. Keep the tissues handy as this is a tear-jerker, especially if you’ve just lost your own best furry friend as I have. Loved it!