Return of the Lost Ones

BlueSteel Series: Book 1

Fiction - Fantasy - Epic
424 Pages
Reviewed on 10/19/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Ruffina Oserio for Readers' Favorite

Return of the Lost Ones is the first entry in David Liberto's BlueSteel Series and Teresan Saga, an epic fantasy that transports readers to the nation of Cordiae. The narrative brims with complex characters and interwoven plotlines, where the stakes of power, loyalty, and personal ambition entangle and ignite conflict in a world facing impending doom. In Cordiae, the villagers are disappearing, and there is something even more disturbing: rumors that an ancient evil has returned to the land. Monsters roam the nearby forest. In the growing fear and danger, two unlikely heroes must join forces to save their land from imminent destruction. Pol and Stefan might be able to save their nation. Pol is a scrappy sixteen-year-old cobbler's son who wants to honor his heritage and pursue a future in the king’s army. His upbringing in a humble family has instilled a sense of discipline and grit. Stefan, the quon's fifth son, is the personification of privilege tempered by insecurity. He struggles with his identity and the expectations placed upon him by his lineage. Pol's heroism ignites Stefan's resentment, revealing his jealousy and sense of entitlement. Can they put aside their differences and protect their loved ones?

In the prologue, the reader is introduced to the enigmatic Fenric, an ambitious mandrate, who epitomizes the struggle for power within a tiered society dominated by the archmandrates—physically deformed masters of mandra. Meanwhile, young Pol represents the common man thrust into an extraordinary circumstance. His encounter with the quon’s daughter, Quel Adeel, not only saves her life but positions him as a hero in a world that typically marginalizes his kind. David Liberto plots with intelligence, allowing the class disparity to emerge throughout the story. The setting is an intriguing blend of magical realism and medieval society, where mandra informs much of the interactions and politics. The detailed world-building enriches the narrative, defining a society rife with class divisions and the burdens of heritage, as seen in the Vroshen family legacy. The writing is gorgeous, and the author uses sparkling dialogue to move the plot forward and create drama. Return of the Lost Ones offers the outstanding elements readers look for in epic fantasy tales.