Reunion by the Lake

Fiction - Literary
196 Pages
Reviewed on 08/11/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Maalin Ogaja for Readers' Favorite

Reunion by the Lake by James Gilbert is a deeply moving and reflective story of a family facing the imminent death of a loved one. Richard Collins, in the final days of his life, wishes to see his three sons, Seth, Deck, and Nick, to inform them of the contents of his will. His wife, Grace, is unhappy with this will as she feels that he has not been fair to the children by leaving them too little. Coupled with this, she is contemplating her life after Richard’s passing, and the past regrets in her life. As the sons make their way to the meeting, each is forced to grapple with their current and past relationship with their father and with each other. The meeting unfolds as expected, with sharp divisions arising from the content of the will.

In Reunion by the Lake by James Gilbert, the themes of mortality, legacy, and the impact of loss on relationships are central to the story. Gilbert skillfully uses the perspectives of the supporting characters to reveal Richard’s personality, depicting him as forceful, angry, rigid, and controlling. This portrayal creates significant tension and conflict within the narrative, especially as it intertwines with the theme of mortality. This looming sense of death adds urgency to the family’s efforts to resolve their issues. I enjoyed how Gilbert described the emotional and complex family dynamics especially the strained relationships within the unit. Additionally, the use of a serene location for this story contrasted with the turbulent emotions in the house, giving the narrative a unique and heartbreaking touch. This is one story that will linger in my mind for a long time.