
Fiction - Science Fiction
Kindle Edition
Reviewed on 02/17/2019
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Author Biography

I have always had a keen interest in science fiction. As a physics teacher, my favorite books were the ones focused on the science part. Fully appreciating the vastness of space, I wondered how an alien might actually visit our planet. My apologies to Star Wars and Star Trek... space travel as depicted in the movies just won't ever happen. A little matter of conservation of energy and speed limitations. Anyway, I came up with a possible alien invasion. Revelations is decidedly fiction, but based on science.

    Book Review

Reviewed by Lit Amri for Readers' Favorite

“We fell for the promise of unlimited power which was never delivered and built our own Trojan horse.” In Revelations by Robert Sells, Earth receives ‘The Message’ from an extraterrestrial life form dubbed the Lambdons. They share their most valuable knowledge of all-fusion energy. The Lambdons guarantee that their construction robots, Lambots, could build the reactor in a few years. All that humans need to do is download The Message into a specially designed computer system that would harness the Lambots. Seven years later, the ‘Dome’, a massive structure that houses the fusion generator, stands on the Oregon coast but there’s no sign of the promised fusion energy for humans. Instead, strange and troubling incidents are happening at an alarming rate. When the Dome’s entrance is locked, preventing people from getting in and out, a team of scientists and Army Rangers are sent to the Dome to investigate.

The characterization for Revelations is well done. Astrophysicist Aster Worthington, who leads the First Contact Team in deciphering ‘The Message’, is brilliant but some of her judgments are clouded by her difficult childhood. It also fuels her denial that the Lambdons have a hidden atrocious agenda against humanity. I shared George Stenton’s frustration, a chemist and member of the First Contact Team, who finds it ridiculous that the others-particularly the bureaucrats-believe that the Lambdons are simply altruistic, which becomes the key catalyst to move the plot forward. Sells incorporated the debate between science and religion into the plot; it’s not forceful but not quite subtle either. Aster’s scientific reasoning clashes with Army Ranger/Pastor Brock’s religious belief, which provides another angle of tension in the alien versus human conflict. Overall, I enjoyed Revelations. I was invested in the story and the dynamics between all the characters. Its suspense elements and fight scenes-where some of the Lambdons’ attacks are biblical-like-will keep readers on their toes. A solid read.