Rook Rook

Accent by Accident

Fiction - Humor/Comedy
276 Pages
Reviewed on 09/18/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Doreen Chombu for Readers' Favorite

Rook Rook by A.J. Liu is a humorous yet thought-provoking story that follows Mike Ke, a former sous chef now a famous comedian. Despite being half-Chinese and half-white, Mike does not like anything to do with Chinese culture - their language, food, and lifestyle all irritate him. He prefers to cook for himself and does not like branded clothes like his Aunt Faye in China. One day, Mike receives a distressing message from China informing him that his grandfather is having a medical crisis after a fall. Desperate to be by his side, Mike and his best friend Lonny get on an urgent flight to China. Upon arriving, they get into a car accident with his Aunt Faye. Mike wakes up with amnesia and a Chinese accent. With nowhere to go, he begins to rediscover his new self and confront his prejudices and misconceptions about his heritage. Meanwhile, his gay twin brother Steven steals his identity and starts leaving a trail of chaos by impersonating Mike in the U.S.

Rook Rook is an entertaining story with profound lessons. It has sarcastic characters and hilarious moments but also delves into themes of cultural identity, personal growth, social challenges, and family bonds. Mike's and Steven’s character development is the core of this story. They both learn to walk in each other's shoes and gain a better understanding of the other’s challenges. Their journeys of self-discovery and soul-searching will help readers connect with them and relate to their struggles. A.J. Liu’s writing is engaging, with witty dialogue and an unpredictable plot. He delves into the contrasts between American and Chinese culture and adds stand-up comedy and culinary elements that enrich the narrative. The book contains sexual content, violent scenes, and profanity, making it unsuitable for young readers. It is an enjoyable read that will take you on a whimsical adventure and teach you vital lessons about family, identity, and resilience.