Ruby Roy and The Murder in the Falls

Ruby Roy Mysteries Book 1

Fiction - Mystery - Murder
Kindle Edition
Reviewed on 05/22/2022
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    Book Review

Reviewed by K.C. Finn for Readers' Favorite

Ruby Roy and The Murder in the Falls is a work of fiction in the mystery, suspense, and adventure subgenres and serves as the first installment in the Ruby Roy Mysteries series. It is suitable for the general reading audience and was penned by author Rima Ray. The book follows college professor Ruby Roy, an imaginative-if-clumsy woman, who loves a good murder mystery tale. After she finds the dead body of her Chair, she is plunged into a real-life murder mystery as she tries to get to the bottom of who killed him and why, aided ably by her husband, Cleo.

This was a highly engaging and exciting opening installment in what I hope is a long series of mystery novels, with a central web of mystery that grows deeper and more complex as the story unfolds and Ruby pulls at the threads until it perfectly crescendos with one last big twist in the tale. Author Rima Ray wastes no time in establishing her pedigree as a producer of dynamic and clever mysteries, and Ruby is a refreshing vision of a detective to work the case to completion. I loved the balance between the darkness of the crime being investigated and the gentle humor generated by Ruby’s quirky and imaginative approach to investigation. Overall, Ruby Roy and The Murder in the Falls is a breath of fresh air in a genre that often takes itself too seriously, bringing a likable and fun detective to life without compromising on the grit and drama that makes a mystery thriller exciting.

Liz Konkel

Ruby Roy and the Murder in the Falls by Rima Ray is the first book in the Ruby Roy Mysteries. No one delivers quite the personality as Ruby Roy does which introduces a sleuth that you want to hang out with. Ruby is a multi-faceted sleuth with a big imagination. She does what she can to get through her time at Baron University and embrace her Canadian and native American roots. With her imagination at her side, she always seems to find her way into trouble and now she's stumbled into a crime scene when she finds the body of a prominent figure at the University. Taking inspiration from the literary sleuths she loves and with help from her husband, Cleo, Ruby dives into solving a real-life murder mystery.

Rima Ray has created such a unique character in Ruby who enjoys her modern trends (such as references to Jarvis) and her appreciation of celebrities (huge crush on Chris Evans). Her personality shines through the writing such as the cop that she fully believes looks like Chris Evans and the relationship with her mother (who she realizes has anxieties that stem from love). Ray has a true talent for embracing characters through the descriptions that bring them to life which are delightfully written from Ruby's perspective and opinions. These characters include associate professors Tanya and Laila who are described as being poles apart in personalities such as Laila being a family-orientated lady preferring quiet nights at home and Tanya maintaining a strict keto diet and her only indulgence being alcohol. These two women play significant roles in her life, each catering to a different side of her personality. The book creates the perfect introduction to these characters and to the world as Ray instantly establishes a story driven by Ruby's various fantasies. The plot revolves around Ruby stumbling into various situations which happens to throw her into a murder mystery that is funny and action-packed with twists and fun sleuthing moments. Highly recommended, Ruby Roy and the Murder in the Falls is for those that enjoy playful stories, mysteries, strong female characters, and top-notch humor.

Edith Wairimu

In the humorous, enthralling murder mystery, Ruby Roy and The Murder in the Falls (Ruby Roy Mysteries Book 1) by Rima Ray, a college professor rushes to stop a vicious killer before more dead bodies turn up. After stumbling upon her Chair’s dead body, Ruby’s wild imagination recounts events from the many crime shows she has watched. She fears the possible consequences she could face if charged with the murder. After taking a closer look into the Chair’s seedy life, Ruby’s detective work uncovers more suspects with greater motives for murder. Ruby and her friends feel even more apprehensive when a second faculty member’s body is found. Determined to solve both cases, Ruby tries to keep her imagination in check and focus on finding the killer.

The story features many intriguing characters who are entertaining and believable, and who come from diverse backgrounds. As the lead character, Ruby is hilarious. Her quirky nature and her inability to keep herself out of embarrassing situations make her even more likable. I loved the plot’s complexity and the many hints and surprises within the events unfolding. I found the internal and external dialogue in the story witty and compelling. The story’s final scene was also gripping. Ruby Roy and The Murder in the Falls by Rima Ray is a brilliant story with amusing scenes and is a must-read for every fan of cozy mysteries. It is a creative story with engaging conversations and original characters. Looking forward to more books in the Ruby Roy Mysteries series.

Emily-Jane Hills Orford

The first chapter of Ruby Roy and The Murder in the Falls begins with a charming paragraph that sets the scene and the reader can really feel the autumn chill in the air in spite of the beauty of late fall. After a quirky description of Dr. Ruby Roy, the reader is all set to follow this goofy twenty-nine-year-old as she stumbles through academia as a professor at Baron University near Niagara Falls. With poor eyesight and a stubborn insistence on never wearing any form of corrective lenses, the good professor was bound to land herself in some rather, shall we say, embarrassing situations. She also had a way of stumbling upon murders, usually more than one. While sleuthing her Department Chair’s untimely death, she discovers some details about the tragically deceased that she wished she’d never known. And the plot thickens.

Rima Ray’s mystery, Ruby Roy and the Murder in the Falls, is the first book in the Ruby Roy Mysteries series. Full of complex plots and subplots, fascinating characters of all genders, and multi-racial and political backgrounds, the author weaves an enticing mystery as the protagonist, Ruby, stumbles upon unexpected clues at every turn. The Nancy Drew at twenty-nine image is coupled with a sense of urgency and unexpected humor as the almost klutzy would-be detective, Ruby, manages to solve what others deemed unsolvable. There’s a considerable backstory that manipulates its place at every tangent, stories about Ruby and her penchant for trouble that will have readers chuckling at her antics. With great descriptive narrative, compelling character development, believable dialogue, and a complex plot, this story is a good introduction to what portends to be a riveting mystery series. I can’t wait for book 2!

Bernadette Longu

What a uniquely written book is Ruby Roy and The Murder in the Falls by Rima Ray. When you first start to read, it seems that it is just a one-sided conversation with the main character Dr. Ruby Roy and your inner self. But it piques your interest and you find yourself reading from cover to cover. The author takes you on an intriguing journey of words and imagination throughout the book. The main character is, of course, Dr. Ruby Roy, a Professor at Baron University, with her husband Cleo. Other characters that dance through the pages with their odd quirks are her colleagues Dr. Peter Malcolm, Dr. Tanya Fernandez, Dr. Laila Al-Thani, Dr. Anthony Marrone, Dr. Andrew Walsh, Dr. Kojo Oppong, and Dr. Malaya Peres. This book happens right in the middle of the Covide19 pandemic.

Ruby Roy and The Murder in the Falls by Rima Ray catches your interest from the first chapter to the last. It starts with a murder and ends with a murder that is solved in a very unusual way, using both old-fashioned methods and modern technology. It was a delightful read and I thoroughly enjoyed entering the world of Ruby Roy, her colleagues, and Baron University in the State of New York, which was brought to life in the most wonderful way possible. Thank you for a very delightful and interesting story that is much appreciated. A very good read.