Rye Nova

Between Sight and Sound

Fiction - Drama
228 Pages
Reviewed on 07/13/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Essien Asian for Readers' Favorite

After receiving a brain tumor diagnosis and being told there is little chance of recovery, Rye Nova begins to lose interest in life as he deals with the inconvenience of his impending death. A chance meeting with Evelyn Sterling opens his eyes to the immense possibilities behind a gift he possesses that Rye once viewed as a curse. Rye tells her about a series of visions that have been bothering him. While they bond, New Orleans is awash with the news of three women who have disappeared without a trace. In K.M. Greffe's Rye Nova: Between Sight and Sound, the young man is unaware that his visions hold the key to apprehending a depraved killer whose three-strikes policy with his victims conceals a dangerous obsession.

K.M. Greffe focuses on entertaining character dynamics in Rye Nova: Sight And Sound. Good character development is on display, with the main characters having believable backstories that Greffe enhances with allusions to current historical flashpoints, as depicted by Rye's tattoos. Greffe skillfully combines strategically placed clues with immersive storytelling to create an even flow of conversation between the characters. Greffe expertly weaves together the stories of each character in the adventure while maintaining a narrative equilibrium that enables readers to understand the antagonist's motivations. One such instance is when Rye learns from one of his visions that he has met Evelyn's spouse. Rye Nova: Sight And Sound is an excellent example of superlative storytelling and pacing that suspense genre enthusiasts will enjoy just as much as I did.

Ruffina Oserio

Rye Nova: Between Sight and Sound by K.M. Greffe is a well-plotted, character-driven blend of mystery and supernatural intrigue. Set against the backdrop of New Orleans, the story follows Rye Nova, a man with a brain tumor diagnosis, and the sudden discovery of telepathic abilities. As he struggles to accept his new reality, Rye finds an unlikely ally in Evelyn Sterling, who shares similar experiences. The characters are equally compelling, each with their struggles and motivations that drive the narrative forward. Rye himself is a relatable protagonist, struggling with existential questions and past traumas while trying to navigate his newfound abilities. With her enigmatic presence and unwavering support, Evelyn provides a much-needed anchor for Rye amidst the chaos of his life.

Greffe skillfully weaves together multiple narratives, each rich in detail and complexity, to create a gripping tale of suspense and self-discovery. The opening chapters draw readers into Rye's world, where the boundaries between reality and the supernatural are blurred. The vivid and atmospheric setting is a perfect backdrop for the unfolding drama. Whether it's the serene beauty of New Orleans' streets or the eerie atmosphere of a late-night bookstore, readers can almost feel the humidity in the air and hear the sounds of the bustling city. The novel explores themes such as identity, connection, and the search for meaning, making it more resonant. I enjoyed the short paragraphs, the sparkling dialogues, and the crisp prose. Through Rye's journey of self-discovery and the interwoven narratives of other characters like Aaron and Ingrid, Greffe invites readers to contemplate the nature of fate, free will, and the human psyche. Rye Nova's dynamic conflict drives characters to confront their inner demons and face external threats head-on. Whether it's Rye's battle with his mortality, Aaron's descent into darkness fueled by addiction and obsession, or Ingrid's harrowing struggle for survival, each character's journey is fraught with tension and suspense. K.M. Greffe has won me as a fan.

Rabia Tanveer

Rye Nova: Between Sight and Sound by K.M. Greffe continues the story of Rye Nova as he struggles to keep his powers under control and learn to live with them in New Orleans. However, things were tougher than ever before now that he is diagnosed with a brain tumor and is also hearing voices. Controlling his visions was tough, but hearing voices was becoming a challenge on its own. His only saving grace was Evelyn Sterling who he could relate to. But things took a nasty turn when three women went missing and Rye started to look into it. Before he knew it, his visions and the voices in his head were becoming unbearable. There was a killer on the loose and only Rye had the means to catch the killer before it was too late. But can Rye do it? Or is his mind playing tricks on him?

I loved Rye and all his complications. He was a fantastic protagonist to follow. Author K.M. Greffe ensures that readers will stick with the characters until the end. The narrative style was fantastic, the character development was incredible, and the overall feel of the story was thrilling. The actual plot was great and did justice to a character like Rye. I enjoyed the conversations between Rye and Evelyn, especially the very first time they spoke to each other. He needed someone gentle and soft, and Evelyn was exactly that. I loved the high points in the story just as much as the low points. The ending was beautiful and made me tear up a little. I loved seeing Rye finally comfortable and relaxed. I would love to read more about their dynamic and see them blossom further in each other’s company. I am not ready to say goodbye to Rye yet and hope K. M. Greffe has more in store for us because I simply cannot get enough.

Romuald Dzemo

Rye Nova: Between Sight and Sound by K.M. Greffe is a mesmerizing tale that delves into the unknown, exploring the mysteries of the human mind and the power of connection. The story follows two individuals, Aaron and Rye, as they embark on a journey of self-discovery, confronting their deepest fears and desires. Rye has just been diagnosed with a brain tumor, a condition that changes everything for him. He struggles with questions about his future and finding meaning. But when he starts hearing voices, he knows things will get complicated for him. Meeting Evelyn Sterling, a woman with the ability to hear the thoughts of others, makes Rye feel not so alone in his unusual experience. The disappearance of three women pulls him into the game. Can he use his newfound powers to stop a killer stalking the streets of New Orleans?

K.M. Greffe’s story is woven with intricate threads of magical realism as the characters navigate the blurred lines between reality and fantasy. The author's masterful use of language and descriptive prose immerses the reader in the story, making it easy to become lost in the intricate web of emotions and experiences. The story starts with an intriguing premise: Aaron meets the mysterious Lilith, a woman who changes his life, and he becomes obsessed with her. Meanwhile, Rye's story unfolds with his encounters with Evelyn, who can hear others’ thoughts. Their connection is captivating and unsettling, leaving the reader wondering what lies beneath them. Rye Nova explores identity, loneliness, and the human search for meaning. The characters are multi-dimensional and complex, with rich backstories that add depth to their motivations and actions. The author's use of symbolism and metaphors makes the narrative even more enjoyable. The story combines elements of romance, fantasy, mystery, and psychological thriller to create a captivating narrative that keeps the reader engaged.

K.C. Finn

Rye Nova: Between Sight and Sound is a work of fiction in the drama, speculative, suspense, and mystery genres. Penned by author K.M. Greffe, the plot follows Rye, recently diagnosed with a brain tumor and struggling with purpose, who begins hearing voices. After meeting Evelyn, who shares similar experiences, they team up. In New Orleans, three women vanish, prompting Rye to investigate between attending poker games and battling his own inner turmoil. As his visions and voices intensify, he grapples with deciphering reality to thwart the killer's sinister motives.

Author K.M. Greffe puts heart and soul into crafting a gripping journey into Rye's turbulent world that is perfectly pitched to deliver the tricky subject matter in a compassionate and highly readable narrative. Greffe masterfully portrays Rye's inner turmoil, his battle with the tumor, and the added complexity of his newfound ability to hear voices. These different storylines converge with an interesting offset between harsh realities and interesting speculative elements. The tension builds as Rye delves into the disappearances, struggling to differentiate between his visions and reality. I found the unreliable narrator elements of the tale to be well constructed and all the tenser for it. Greffe's vivid descriptions also fully immerse the reader in the haunting atmosphere of New Orleans, enhancing the eerie mood and emphasizing Rye's character development all the more. Overall, Rye Nova: Between Sight and Sound is a highly recommended and compelling read that will keep you on the edge of your seat.