
The Evensong Enchantments: Book One

Fiction - Visionary
396 Pages
Reviewed on 07/23/2024
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Author Biography

Childhood trauma, a near-death experience, and escape from a high-control cult are all threads of the tapestry that have shaped Helyn’s creative endeavors over the years. Poetry, screenwriting and visual arts have been her passions. This creative path now includes writing fiction.

Helyn’s debut novel, Sacrifice, the first book of The Evensong Enchantments series, is based on a previous screenplay. Like all of her stories, this is a work of Visionary Fiction.

“I have experienced many spiritual rebirths and I’m inspired to share the insights received as a result of these mystical encounters.”

Helyn lives in a remote Vedic community in the Blue Ridge Mountains—the perfect setting for tuning in to spiritual unfolding. When she’s not writing, creating art, or perfecting a plant-based recipe for her blog, she can be found with her husband (and cohort in all things magical), hiking the mountain trails and breathing in the splendor of Nature.

    Book Review

Reviewed by Saifunnissa Hassam for Readers' Favorite

Helyn Dunn's novel Sacrifice: The Evensong Enchantments: Book One is a mesmerizing tale interweaving magic, reality, fantasy, and visionary spiritual wisdom of the ancient ones. The novel is best suited for mature readers. The story is set in medieval France, in Brittany. Catherine is the eldest daughter of Paul Dubois, the Duke of Brittany. Her younger sister Elise is betrothed to Prince Philip Laveron of Toulouse, Crown Prince and heir to the throne of France. When Prince Philip arrives at Dubois Castle, he and Catherine are immediately and passionately attracted to each other. Seeking solace and guidance, Catherine escapes into the nearby forest of Broceliande. She searches in vain for Lucian, a Druid elder, her mentor and teacher in the precepts of old magic. As a Christian knight and the future king of France, Prince Philip must remain loyal to the Church. Soon, events unfold beyond their control, and the story twists and turns in the wake of political intrigue, murder, and betrayal.

I thoroughly enjoyed reading Helyn Dunn's spellbinding Sacrifice for its compelling characters and magnificent multifaceted storyline about medieval culture and way of life, the spiritual realm of old magic, and fantasy. I particularly liked Catherine's character development through richly imagined evocative settings and the drama of terrifying challenges. I could picture Catherine as a young girl, playing in the forest of Broceliande, and learning ancient wisdom from Lucian. I think this added great depth and sharp contrast to Catherine's harsh realities and heart-breaking dilemmas as a young woman. I found myself fascinated and immersed in Catherine's inner transformative journey as she struggled to understand her intense love for Philip and her deep attachment to old magic and its spiritual wisdom. Philip's inner journey becomes an integral part of the novel as he struggles to understand Catherine and the mystical legacy left to him by his father. I loved these inner transformative journeys, with significant turning points for Catherine and Philip and their ultimate acceptance of their destinies. Sacrifice is a beautifully written tale of love and heartbreak, an intriguing storyline that evokes mystery, spirituality, magic, and the struggle between good and evil forces.

K.C. Finn

Sacrifice is a work of fiction in the fantasy, visionary, and interpersonal drama genres, and is the opening novel of the Evensong Enchantments series. It is best suited to mature adult readers and contains some graphic elements, moderate sexual references, and dark, violent events. Penned by author Helyn Dunn, this enchanting and exciting tale combines Christian knights and medieval chivalry with magical pagan realms. Catherine, a duke's rebellious daughter, struggles between her fading mystical connections and Christian expectations. When Crown Prince Philip arrives to marry her sister, they fall for each other, but his devotion to the church complicates things. Catherine, seeking her missing Druidic mentor, discovers a prophecy about her magical abilities. Torn between Philip's love and her enchanted past, Catherine must choose her path while confronting dark forces.

Author Helyn Dunn has crafted an epic blend of love, magic, and medieval conflict that provides fantasy fans everywhere with a captivating story, immersing them in a world where medieval chivalry intersects with pagan magic. Catherine's rebellious spirit and struggle to reconcile her mystical heritage with the rigid Christian norms made her a compelling protagonist, and there was such close attention to detail in her narrative that connects readers to her, heart and soul, as she endures the many challenges of the plot. The intense, forbidden attraction between Catherine and Crown Prince Philip was a superb triumph in romantic tension that kept me engaged throughout, and the personalities, dialogue, and descriptive elements all heightened the atmospheric romance of the tale. The historical accuracy combined with the rich fantasy elements created a vivid, enchanting setting that felt both authentic and magical. Catherine's journey of self-discovery and her quest to harness her inherent powers were riveting, especially as she faced such dark, ominous forces and plenty of surprising plot twists. Overall, Sacrifice beautifully melds history, fantasy, and romance into a mesmerizing tale that lingers in the mind, and I can’t wait to see what happens next in this highly recommended series.

Manik Chaturmutha

Sacrifice, the first book in The Evensong Enchantments series by Helyn Dunn, is a visionary novel set in medieval France. It blends elements of medieval fantasy, mysticism, and family drama. The plot follows Catherine DuBois, a young woman with deep ties to Old Magic. When she discovers her familial heritage as well as entanglement in political and religious disputes, her life spirals into turmoil. Meanwhile, Philip, a noble knight bound for the throne, is grappling with self-doubt and the harsh realities of the Crusades. As their paths converge, they confront challenges resulting in dramatic revelations. Their journey is one of self-discovery and acceptance as they confront the mysteries of their past and the responsibilities of their futures. 

Sacrifice by Helyn Dunn captivates readers with a delightful blend of historical accuracy and mystical elements. The novel effectively transports readers to the medieval era through vivid descriptions of places such as Forest Brocéliande, along with brutal depictions of life during the Crusades. This attention to detail creates an immersive read. Dunn's use of language, occasionally archaic, adds to the authenticity and charm of the story. The multiple perspectives, including those of Catherine, Elise, and Prince Philip, allow the reader to delve into the complex web of relationships and motivations that drive the narrative. The character development in the portrayal of Catherine is well done. Catherine's struggle with Old Magic and her quest for belonging resonate deeply, making her a relatable and intriguing protagonist. Prince Philip, while initially appearing as a traditional knight, is revealed to have depth and vulnerability that enrich the story. His interactions with Catherine are fraught with tension and unspoken desires, adding layers of complexity to their relationship. The blend of visionary fiction and historical elements is handled well. With its vivid descriptions and exploration of new concepts, the novel is a delight to read.

Reginald Fairweather

Wow! Surely one of the most supremely satisfying reads of the century, this tale takes us back to historically obscure yet tantalizing setting of Brittany 30 years after the nearby Normans’ conquest of Britain. Here, the subjugation of local Bretons by the Franks in Paris and the Roman church was well-nigh complete, but a tiny but enlightened remnant of pagan Druids still clung to the Old Ways.

And so the Enchantment begins: a magic forest, a timeless tutor, a young noble girl ravenous for the Old Ways; the devout prince, forbidden love, knightly vows, death & dishonor, the 1st crusade, ….

The author enraptures you in a delightful drama with scenes of high magic, low villainy, palpable plot points, tearful trials, bittersweet redemptions; leaving you emotionally cleansed and gasping for more!

The tale’s authentic characters and powerful pacing impel you to binge-read in a day, but its careful crafting, heart-centered message, cinematic imagery and poetic phrasing bid you linger and savor. A library treasure, in word and indeed!

And beware, it will lure you back for 2nds and 3rds before it’s done with you. And when will that 2nd Portal [to the next Enchantment] open?

Like its heroine, it defies category:
[x] It’s fiction, as a very broad stroke
[ ] Its main characters are young adult/new adult, but the story has little fleshy focus;
[ ] 1 3-page love scene removes it from ‘under 18’.
[x] It’s very much an interpersonal drama, but far exceeds that boundary
[x] Fantasy, but very grounded
[ ] Opposite of urban
[x] Medieval, romance, yes, but again, not likely fleshy enough for most of those fans
[x] Historical medieval romance it surely is, but way more yet
[x] Paranormal, more of the fae, wizards, shapeshifters kind
[x] Swords & sorcery, a healthy dose, but not engulfing
[x] More accurately, magical realism, natural or innate magic, or
[x] Most accurately, visionary fiction, with other elements above mentioned