Santa Overboard

The Potomac Shores Series

Fiction - Holiday
196 Pages
Reviewed on 10/22/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Pikasho Deka for Readers' Favorite

Santa Overboard is a slice-of-life holiday romance by Carolyn McBride. Katie Young, a fifty-one-year-old mother, is slowly getting her life back on track in the small town of Occoquan after separating from her ex-husband, James. Furthermore, she recently lost her mother to COVID-19 and now spends her time with the Beach Bonfire Babes, enriching the local culture and community. Katie is also involved in a blossoming romance with Dr. Deke Kinebrook, a former marine scientist turned behavioral archaeologist. After rescuing a woman named Kendall from drowning, Katie is set to lead the boat parade, while Deke, who isn't very fond of the holidays, reveals he's leaving for Ecuador for research-related work. Unbeknownst to her, though, Katie is in for a surprise. Do Katie and Deke have a future together? Will the holiday preparations bear fruit?

Santa Overboard is a heartwarming romance for the holiday season. Author Carolyn McBride has written a feel-good yarn that embodies the Christmas spirit and is perfect for a cozy read during the holidays. McBride's characters are very likable, and their interactions with each other drive the narrative forward. The author ensures that every character has a distinct personality and a life of their own outside their roles in the protagonist's life. It makes the world feel lived-in and the story all the more immersive for the reader. Katie and Deke complement each other, and you want to see them end up together. I also enjoyed the characters of Belle, Kendall, and the Beach Bonfire Babes. All in all, this is a wholesome book that is bound to raise everyone's spirits. Don't miss out!