Memories of a Tower Rat

Non-Fiction - Memoir
240 Pages
Reviewed on 03/15/2011
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Author Biography

Doug DePew served just over four years in the US Army Infantry then five more years in the US Naval Reserves. He earned a BSEd in history and English from Missouri State University and now teaches in a federal prison.

    Book Review

Reviewed by Anne Boiling for Readers' Favorite

SAT & BAF is Doug DePew's memoirs of his life as an infantry man in Germany during the 80's Cold War. Following his father’s advice, the first thing he did after arriving in Germany was buy a bratwurst. Then he and his fellow newbies boarded a bus and headed on their adventure.

The first two questions the newbies were asked were whether they had worked with nuclear weapons or used hallucinogenic drugs such as LSD. DePew’s first assignment was Badenerhof Kaserne, aka BK. Soon he was introduced to the night life in the area: sex clubs, bars and a honky tonk that reminded him of Nashville. It sounds like he spent a lot of time in the bars. When he moved to Waldheide, it was official...he was a tower rat.

Doug DePew’s sense of humor shines in this memoir. He had me laughing at many of the antics. I’m sure there were many tough times, but DePew manages to look at even those times with a smile on his face. It is obvious that DePew was likable and a people-person who made many friends.

I enjoyed reading DePew’s story. It is well-written and the style is conversational. I could imagine sitting with him and listening to him reminisce. The characters were a bit over-the-top, but after all, these are memories. I liked the characters and felt it was easy to connect with them. I found it sad that the soldiers spent so much time drunk. I’m not sure how they survived their own folly let alone the enemy. It also seems the soldiers spent a lot of time fighting each other. I’m surprised anyone lived to tell the tale. DePew wrote this book in honor of his fellow soldiers. Let them not be forgotten.