Saving Dandy James

Fiction - Drama
244 Pages
Reviewed on 01/10/2011
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Ellen Hogan for Readers' Favorite

Dandy James was in a loveless marriage. One night during a storm she went to buy a magazine and on the way back had an accident. Another car also had an accident. When Dandy went to help she met Colin Kessler. Dandy rode with Colin to the hospital and their lives become entwined. Colin confesses his love for Dandy but she says it can't be since they are both married to others. Colin's pregnant daughter came to stay at Dandy's farm for the summer. Dandy finds out that her father signed a promissory note to her husband giving him the land if he stayed married to her for twenty years. Their anniversary was looming and after nineteen years of abuse Dandy decides to file for divorce. For years Dandy's son Perry was told by his father that his mother was unstable and likely to kill herself. He kept his distance from Dandy but then she started changing and taking hold of her life. Perry saw that his father had lied to him and established a loving relationship with his mother.

The plot was a good one and I enjoyed how everything was wound up in the end. There was good interaction between all of the characters. The situations were very believable and everyone was very well rounded. There was just the right balance of description and conversation. It made reading the book so much easier for me because the flow was there from the beginning. It held my attention very well and was extremely lifelike. The cover is ok, but didn't really add anything to the book.