Scared to Swim

Little Fears

Children - Action
34 Pages
Reviewed on 09/01/2024
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Author Biography

Tuula Pere (b. 1958) holds a Ph.D. in Law and is an award-winning children’s author from Helsinki, Finland. Her doctoral dissertation, published in 2015, examines the limits of freedom of speech in the Finnish mass media amidst the social and cultural shifts of the 1960s and 1970s. Prior to her doctoral research, Tuula Pere had a career spanning over two decades as a lawyer and held various expert and executive positions in large industrial companies.

Since 2010, Tuula Pere has published over sixty children's books, many of which have been translated into multiple languages. She has also authored poetry and aphorisms for children, as well as short stories and non-fiction for adults. Tuula Pere is an avid music and sports enthusiast and a keen baker. She is married and the mother of three.

    Book Review

Reviewed by Anne-Marie Reynolds for Readers' Favorite

In Scared to Swim (Little Fears) by Tuula Pere, Lily is 5 years old and desperate to learn how to swim. All her friends are having swimming lessons, and she wants to join in. But she's scared. The pool is noisy, and the kids are having fun splashing around, but Lily is terrified that no one will notice if she gets into trouble. It doesn't matter how many lessons Lily goes to, she still isn't happy. When her dad steps in to help her, Lily finds her confidence, and her fears of the water disappear. What will her friends think when she shows them she's no longer scared?

Scared to Swim by Tuula Pere is part of the Little Fears series. Once again, Catty Flores has produced some amazing illustrations to help bring the words to life. This story took me back to the days when I learned to swim as a kid, and I was much the same as Lily. This is about facing your fears, learning that even the smallest of niggles can become something huge if it isn't dealt with early. It teaches kids that play and the support of the adults in their life can help them overcome many of their fears. The book also teaches parents, caregivers, and teachers not to dismiss what might seem like a minor issue – to a child, it can be a serious issue and will only get worse. I loved this book, and it's clear that Tuula Pere is a seriously talented author. Her books are fun and educational and should be in every children's library.

Francis Mont

In Scared to Swim (Little Fears) by Tuula Pere, Lillian is five years old and loves the water. Splashing around in the bathtub feels pleasant and safe, but she has a nagging feeling that she ought to learn to swim, as many of her friends already know how. She decides to take swimming lessons at the local pool and her parents heartily approve. However, a decision is one thing but putting it into practice is another. Everything about the noisy pool is wild and scary and she hates to put her face in the water as the instructor suggests. She thinks that she would rather quit and stay safe at home in the bathtub. However, her dad comes to the rescue and teaches her to swim himself, making her feel safe and even enjoy the lessons.

Scared to Swim (Little Fears) by Tuula Pere is a fun book for young children aged 5-10, teaching them that their fears can be overcome with help from trusted adults by turning scary things into enjoyable games. The author did a terrific job, convincing young readers that their desires can be achieved by perseverance and determination. The artwork by Catty Flores is simple yet perfectly illustrative, Lillian’s character is instantly recognizable by young readers who have inevitably shared the experience of fear, hesitation, and the desire to join their more accomplished peers in their activities. I very highly recommend Scared to Swim (Little Fears) by Tuula Pere to parents who want to encourage their young children to work on their fears and not give up learning opportunities before really trying to succeed.

C.R. Hurst

Do you remember the first time you faced a fear as a child? I know that I do. Scared to Swim (Little Fears) written by Tuula Pere and illustrated by Catty Flores is a delightful story about one of childhood’s greatest little fears: the fear of water. Like many kids, five-year-old Lillian loves to play in her bathtub and wants to learn to swim, so she asks her parents to take swimming lessons. They agree, but Lillian soon worries that learning to swim may be too scary. Her first lesson does not go well. The pool is too big, the other kids are too noisy, and the swimming instructor wears a really weird swimming cap. She wants to quit before she even begins until her dad has a great idea to help her learn to swim despite her fear that she might “sink to the bottom and no one notices.”

I liked how author Tuula Pere uses Lillian’s fear of swimming to show how hard it is for a child to learn to face a fear, even when the child truly wants to pursue a new activity. The author understands that some children learn differently and need encouragement that traditional teaching methods don’t always give them. I also appreciated the wonderful illustrations in Scared to Swim. Colorful and vibrant, they capture the emotions of the characters in a dramatic and stylized way that should appeal to youngsters. In addition, the inclusive characters add to the author’s subtle message that learning styles are as diverse as kids are. Sometimes all they really need is a little extra special encouragement.

Emily-Jane Hills Orford

Lillian loves to play with the bubbles in her bath. She’s feeling quite grown up being able to enjoy bath time by herself (though her mother keeps checking on her). In Tuula Pere's Scared to Swim, Lillian is excited about starting swimming lessons. But the night before, she suddenly has some doubts. When she arrives at the swimming pool for her lessons, she’s even more frightened by the noise of others playing in the water. That’s when all the fears take hold and she worries about sinking to the bottom of the pool and being left there. How can Lillian overcome her growing fears about swimming?

Tuula Pere’s picture book, Scared to Swim, is one of the Little Fears series. Everyone experiences little fears from time to time, but there are ways to overcome these fears, as Lillian learns. The language is simple and easy for young readers to follow along. The illustrations by Catty Flores are expressive and colorful and add a little zest to the story. The plot follows Lillian as she starts swimming lessons and confronts a fear she didn’t know she had. The story moves along quickly and young readers will certainly relate to one girl’s fears, something Lillian expresses quite aptly to her father: “Dad, can children drown during swimming lessons?” This is a clever way to teach young readers that fears are real but can be overcome, mostly with a loving guide (like Lillian’s father) to lead the way.

Pikasho Deka

There are times when children develop feelings of doubt and even anxiety in certain situations. How can adults help them overcome such situations? You're about to find out in Scared to Swim -- a captivating picture book by Tuula Pere. Lillian is a five-year-old child who wants to learn how to swim. She tells her parents she wants swimming lessons, and soon, her father signs her up for swimming classes. At night, however, Lillian starts getting nervous about her upcoming swim class. Her mother brings Lillian to the swimming center and leaves her with the instructors. But Lillian is scared, and the noisy kids at the pool begin to overwhelm her. She begins to worry that she will never be a good swimmer. She reveals her worries to her father, who decides to teach her himself.

Scared to Swim is an engaging children's tale about overcoming challenges. Heartfelt and moving, this picture book demonstrates the way children sometimes get overwhelmed or nervous in new environments and what parents can do to alleviate their fears and make them feel safe. With a concise narrative, Tuula Pere tells a beautiful story featuring characters who impress the reader. Lillian is adorable and very easy to root for. She is a child who likes to take things at her own pace and isn't hesitant to share her reservations with her parents. I also liked how her father respected her wishes and found a way to teach her to swim while making her feel safe. Catty Flores' artwork is mesmerizing and complements Pere's story perfectly. Overall, this is a great book that young readers will enjoy a lot!