Secret Daddy

Romance - Contemporary
227 Pages
Reviewed on 06/04/2010
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Lynette Fowlston for Readers' Favorite

There is a closeness that twins share and they will do almost anything to help each other out, so when Don comes to his brother Dave for help how can he refuse. Don wants him to donate sperm so he and his wife Jenny can start a family. No one would know. Identical twins would have the same DNA. Dave finds himself in a legal quandary and is not sure how to get out of it. When his brother is killed in a car accident and his wife critically injured, she asks her sister to adopt her baby and raise him. How can Dave prove that he is the baby's father and not his uncle? He did not count on falling in love with Jenny’s sister. When he talks Cathy into moving to Minnesota she agrees but cannot understand his motives. Is he trying to get the baby away from her? What are his intentions? When she finally learns the truth, what will she do? Will she bolt and run back to California or will she stay and fight for the right to her adopted son? Will she learn to trust the family and get along with Dave? Can the two become a family?

When I started reading this book it reminded me quite a bit of a Harlequin Romance. Fans of contemporary romance will enjoy this light romance.