Set-Apart Femininity

Non-Fiction - Self Help
240 Pages
Reviewed on 03/22/2009
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Anne Boling for Readers' Favorite

Our culture does not promote femininity. When we were created, the creator had a plan for our lives. The plan was one of virtue and wholesomeness. It is unfortunate that we have “evolved” so far from that plan.

Leslie Ludy’s latest book Set-Apart Femininity is a must-read for all females. I can readily relate to Ludy’s witness. Around thirteen, our hormones begin to bounce around like a bunch of ping-pong balls. Unless we have learned self-control earlier in our lives, we are a walking time bomb. We more than notice males; we begin to dress in ways that will attract male attention. Ludy discusses:

· “unlocking God’s sacred call upon your life

· Understanding God’s pattern for true feminine beauty

· Captivating the heart of a Christ-like guy

· Aligning your daily existence with God’s priorities

· Finding real fulfillment by living a poured-out life”

This book’s target audience is young adult; however, seasoned women like myself can benefit from reading Set-Apart Femininity.

Nathan Johnson

Set Apart Femininity is just like what Leslie Ludy beckons young women to become: a lily among thorns. Even in today's Christian culture, few books touch the issue of dying to self in order to earnestly seek one single thing, a passionate love relationship with Jesus Himself. This book is a treasure and a beacon of light within the shallows of mediocrity and complacency. It shines forth the truth of the Gospel and the lifestyle Jesus calls us to. Leslie Ludy, with her poetic and stirring prose, blazingly calls young women to the indwelling life of Christ - not what you can do or perform but what He can do in and through you! It is about a life completely given over to the King of kings and the Lord of lords; for Him to spill and spend your life as He chooses.

As a man whose heart is set on Jesus, Set Apart Femininity captures the essence and beauty of what I deeply desire for my future wife to be. Yet this book was both inspiring and convicting to me personally as well. Though the book was written specifically to young women, men can glean a lot about the character of Christ and what we as believers (both male and female) are called to be. This book is an encouragement to stand in the face of culture, stand for purity and truth, and allow Christ to live His spotless life through us.

Like a diamond hidden within the rocks, Set Apart Femininity is a priceless treasure in book form. You will not only want to read it more than once but will be compelled to share it with everyone you know. This is no doubt Leslie Ludy's finest book to date, which I am highly recommending to everyone I know. Find the true treasure, not in yourself, but in Him.

Hailey Hooey

Set-Apart Femininity: God's Sacred Intent for Every Young Woman Leslie Ludy's new book Set-Apart Femininity is not for "lukewarm" Christian women or for the faint at heart.

Having been reading Eric and Leslie Ludy's books for the last four and a half years, I can say, Leslie has a much more fired up tone compared to Authentic Beauty. In a way, Set-Apart is a sequel of sorts to Authentic in the fact that Leslie still talks about Godly women and how to be a woman glorifying Jesus Christ.

However, in this book, she takes it deeper and turns it up a notch! She is asking women everywhere to truly make Jesus Christ the main priority in their lives. She is asking us to make Jesus our heavenly Prince and give him the rightful authority over our lives that he deserves and to seek not only physical purity, but mental and spiritual purity as well. She is asking women to truly and sincerely seek God with all of our hearts, minds, bodies, and souls so we can glorify Him and live our lives to the fullest.

If you are ready to separate yourself from the world and live a set-apart life for Christ than this book is for you!

On a more personal note, this book was very moving for me, and I highly recommend it to any woman, young or old, who wants to surrender the control over their lives and hand the reins over to Christ.

S. Banura

This book has impacted my life more than any other (outside the Bible). No beating around the bush on her way to a watered-down, what-if-I-sound-too-radical message. She doesn't shy away from the Truth, but boldly hits it head-on. And because of that, you're left with only two choices--walk away completely changed and enamored w/ God, w/ a growing desire for your life to revolve around Him alone...or write it off as a strangely old-fashioned, extreme book written by some crazy who doesn't understand what it's like to live in today's sin-polluted world. I strongly recommend that EVERY young woman read this-single or married.

S. Guess

I'm so excited to be able to share how unbelievable this book is. For the first time my eyes were opened to how selfish and self-seeking my life has been. So many of us live with a deep core of self-centeredness without even realizing it! Leslie challenges the reader in a way I've never seen, and she presents truth in a bold, confident manner. So many young women don't have strong, sold out, older women to call them to an even higher standard, and where those mentors are lacking, this book could step in.

My faith, commitment, and walk will never be the same after reading this book. It's a radical call to a life style truly dedicated to Christ that I never would have thought to consider before.

Diana M. Humphreys

I was introduced to the Ludys through the book "When Dreams Come True." I was skeptical at first because I've read a lot of Christian authors recently who shy away from the truth of the Word of God in exchange for a new kind of Christianity that is all about US instead of all about Christ. My apprehension was unwarranted. The Ludys, and Leslie in particular in this book, honestly and unashamedly share the truth of the Gospel, the truth that Christ must and shall be Master and King of our lives. This book is a challenge to us to stop living self-indulgent lives with a few Christian morals tacked on, but to live solely set-apart lives for Jesus Christ. She tells the stories of several set-apart women, including Gladys Aylward, Elizabeth Fry, Amy Carmichael, and many more, who poured out their lives for Jesus Christ, forsaking every comfort to follow their Lord. Leslie's own personal relationship with Christ is evident on every page, and it is apparent that she lives what she preaches. She uses countless passages of Scripture to explain how women of God should live. Leslie explains the necessity of building our lives around Christ so that He is our sole Master and King. We must lay down idols, pray and seek Him daily, read and meditate on His Word, and do nothing out of our own strength and effort but through relying on His power working in and through us. We must rely on God to fill us and make us whole, so that we can pour out for others. This is an amazing book, and God can definitely use it to speak to your heart. A must read if you desire to move beyond the spiritual mediocrity so prevalent in our society.

Kristine Fisher

I often get frusturated when I read these types of books. A lot of books that I have been reading talk about that the church and Christianity as we know it is not as it should be. The books go on and on about how he/she is disappointed with the state of the church, but they never seem to offer any practical solutions. However, Leslie does, this is the first book I have read that actually offers such solutions. Cultivating your prayer life, getting rid of hindrances that seperate us from God, etc. Radical Christianity, as it should be, shaking the very foundations of hell! This book has been an answer to prayer!


This book is truly set apart from a plethora of so called 'Christian books'. It is about living life FULLY devoted to Christ in each area of matter the cost. By reading this book I found myself delving more and more into the Bible and in prayer. It is hard to come across books in which sacrificing ourselves to Christ is the message. There are many examples of women giving their all for Christ in this book. It is not just an inspiring read; it is a life changing book!


This book has captured what it means to be a Godly Christian woman. And its not about wearing a potatoe sack and doing whatever guys tell you to do. You are allowed to be beautiful, to shine - but also to fight for truth, to stand up for those that everybody else ignores or passes by. Being a woman is not all soft and flowery, though there are those aspects also. But as Leslie pointed out, it is time to get some fire back into our hearts! Not a self-centered fire that burns and destroys, but a holy fire that inspires. I felt my heart being moved, and my spirit rising up to join the ranks of Godly women everywhere who have made the choice to be Set-Apart for Christ and His kingdom. Read this book and be encouraged, challenged, and empowered.

Naomi R. Feil

This book is one of the most amazing books ever written and has dramatically changed by life. The message in this book is exactly what every woman in this world must hear. Leslie has pinpointed exactly what is missing in our Christian walk and our desperate need to remove the idols from our lives, die to self, pick up our cross, and follow after Christ with our whole hearts! The church is in desperate need of Christians who are actually living out their faith by the power of the spirit. This book will help take you to the end of yourself and abandon everything to follow after Christ. I promise that this book will forever change you from a mediocre Christian to one that lives in victory and life! I strongly believe that every woman and man in the world needs to hear this message. This world would be dramatically changed if Chritians truly start living out their faith! Please read this book and have all your friends read it also.


I, like many others have read more than one Ludy book in my day. I am currently reading this one and so far it has proven to be excellent.
Not a traditional, "we are all beautiful, just learn to love yourself" kind of book, Leslie calls young women to be consumed by their creator, relying on him for every good thing in life, pointing out that without Christ, we are nothing. Everything we have is given by him.