
Christian - Fantasy/Sci-Fi
508 Pages
Reviewed on 06/18/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by K.C. Finn for Readers' Favorite

Shadowcast is a work of fiction in the Christian fiction, fantasy, and science fiction adventure genres. Penned by author Crystal D. Grant, the plot follows Mason Grey, consumed by darkness after his brother's murder by Steward Knights. Using his mind-controlling Gifts, Mason rises in the Dark Army to claim the Shadowstone against the Stewards. Injured and powerless, he recuperates under Seria Gayle's care, a peasant who mistakes him for a Steward. As Mason's true identity is revealed, Seria faces a dilemma: redeem herself by aiding Mason's enemies or following her heart. I found myself hooked from the very first page on an emotional rollercoaster through themes of revenge, redemption, and unexpected connections.

Crystal D. Grant’s confident and detailed narrative skillfully portrays Mason's descent into darkness and his conflicting desires for vengeance and love. A keen sense of psychological disarray is well-crafted and unfolds at a realistic pace. As Mason and Seria's relationship develops amidst the backdrop of impending war, their internal struggles and external pressures are naturally explored through compelling dialogue that shows off their unique dynamic. Readers who are fans of morally grey and conflicted characters are sure to be entranced by the dilemmas faced by both protagonists. Mason's internal turmoil between his quest for revenge and his growing affection for Seria offers a thought-provoking look at negativity and why we latch onto it so powerfully. Seria's journey from a humble washerwoman to a heroic figure in the ensuing conflict highlights themes of identity and agency with a fresh sense of hope and determination. Overall, Shadowcast is an immersive work of sci-fi and fantasy that I would certainly recommend for its compelling, character-driven plot.