Sharkey and the Parallel Universe

Fiction - Fantasy - General
240 Pages
Reviewed on 09/03/2009
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Anne Boling for Readers' Favorite

Readers' Favorite Bronze Medal Award WinnerInspector Locknose called Sharkey and his crew together to discuss a new and dangerous mission. He wants them to explore a parallel universe. The trip is only possible in their new ship the PHD. They were soon in great peril.

Have you ever wondered what else is out there? Could there be aliens? Wouldn’t it be exciting to explore the vastness of space? The latest book in the Sharkey series allows readers to explore beyond our universe. Sharkey educates readers in the theory of the existence of other life forms, parallel universes, and the physics of infinity. The characters are exciting and exaggerated. The plot is well developed and exhilarating.

This is the 4th book in the series. Fans of Sharkey will be excited over his return. Timothy A. Bramlett’s Sharkey is sure to please preteens. His adventures are entertaining as well as educational. Bramlett presents teachers and parents with the opportunity to encourage children to read a fun adventure and to explore science.