Sister Blackberry

Fiction - Suspense
332 Pages
Reviewed on 12/07/2009
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Anne Boling for Readers' Favorite

Sister Blackberry takes place in 1936 Rayes County, Kentucky. It is the story of two women both expecting at the same time, best friends, both Christians, different denominations.

Viola Garland was a Baptist and Janie Cole was a Pentecostal. While Viola did not agree with the things that went on in Janie’s church, she did not allow that to interfere with their friendship. Janie’s husband Bick did not want her associating with Viola because of the differences in their beliefs. The self proclaimed preacher had drawn quite a vast congregation to his fold and was feeding them a strong mix of superstitions. He demanded his followers have no contact with those outside their faith.

When it was time for Janie to have her baby, the preacher Brother Caslin was to deliver it. He delivered all the babies in the church family. He and his wife attended the births as the midwife. Two babies were born that night, Viola was alone and her baby died. She was struggling to make it to Janie’s house. She saw something strange going on and heard a baby crying. Janie had delivered her baby and the midwife was trying to kill it. Viola silently entered the barn, picked up the baby and left with her.

This story begins in the past and moves to present time where we meet a mother, her two daughters, grandchildren and great grandchildren. Viola Garland is now eighty-seven years old has lived with this secret for sixty years. She has faced the death of her husband, her one daughter and son in law. It is time to tell her granddaughters the whole truth. When the story comes out, they will see how through all the lies and deceit, it will either bring the family closer or tear it further apart.

This story is so compelling I could not put it down and finished it in one day. I The characters are well defined and there is not one character that outshines the other. I highly recommend this book.