So Good They Call You a Fake

Command Attention, Monetize Your Talent Stack, and Become the Uncontested Authority in Your Niche

Non-Fiction - Business/Finance
192 Pages
Reviewed on 09/03/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by K.C. Finn for Readers' Favorite

So Good They Call You a Fake by Joshua Lisec is a business and self-help book that offers a comprehensive guide for entrepreneurs, authors, and creatives looking to establish themselves as undisputed authorities in their niches. Lisec presents practical strategies for transforming visibility into monetized success, emphasizing the importance of embracing criticism as a marker of excellence. The book encourages readers to maximize their talents, create impactful products, and leverage attention effectively. Lisec has a great balance of solid practical advice and motivational insights in this highly readable work, empowering readers to take bold steps toward success, no matter the potential flack or criticism they may receive along the way. Nobody likes criticism, or so they say, but Lisec’s unique approach to mindset and motivation teaches valuable skills that also stretch far beyond business and into our daily lives to not take the opinions of others too seriously.

Joshua Lisec's writing is clear and actionable, making complex strategies accessible to a broad audience with a bold, confident narrative that lets you know he practices exactly what he preaches between these pages, and with great success. Lisec's approach to turning criticism into a powerful marketing tool is both innovative and inspiring, with wry humor and amusing anecdotes that make you feel as if you’re being guided by a close personal friend. The book's structured, step-by-step guidance is also well-arranged to refer back to essential advice sections with ease. Overall, So Good They Call You a Fake is a refreshing and empowering take on self-help and success that will certainly motivate others into action, no matter the setbacks they face.