Soul and Silt

Poetry - General
30 Pages
Reviewed on 06/02/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Philip Van Heusen for Readers' Favorite

In Soul and Silt, B. N. Helena masterfully weaves a beautiful tapestry of the interconnectedness of all life on Earth. These twelve poems are interwoven, keeping the reader focused on the unity of life: nature, Spirit, language, and the seeking soul. Life’s true meaning goes much deeper than simple definitions and what one can explain. Whether describing the stark difference between the beach and the ocean depths or sharing the beauty of a butterfly, the author lets the reader see how everything is connected. As readers peruse this book, they will begin to appreciate nature differently. The life of each animal or plant is a gift, and each is needed to give life a full and rich meaning. Even animals like the much-underappreciated raven are beautiful in their own way. This book will open your eyes to the beauty all around you.

B. N. Helena writes poetry that takes time to process and shares those poems in Soul and Silt. As you read this collection, allow time for each word, description, verse, and meaning to develop its full meaning. While a casual reading of this book will be enjoyable, a more thoughtful reading will help you to see connections you may never have thought of before. Each poem has so many levels that you can read this book repeatedly, each time seeing new meanings. This book can be seen as a philosophy for the non-philosopher. As I read Soul and Silt, I noticed links to the author’s previous poems. Set aside some time to sit and think as you read this book. You will be glad you did.