Stoney the Pony's Most Inspiring Year

Teaching Children About Addiction Through Metaphor

Children - Social Issues
59 Pages
Reviewed on 05/24/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Laura Imaz for Readers' Favorite

Stoney the Pony's Most Inspiring Year: Teaching Children About Addiction Through Metaphor by Linda Myers is the story of Stoney, a cheerful pony that fights with a peppermint addiction. At first, Stoney was as carefree as his other pals, and he enjoyed spending time with them and seeing what life had to offer. However, after Stoney started eating peppermints, all he could think about was more peppermints. His buddies were quite concerned about him and didn't know what to do; they only wanted their joyful friend back. After a disastrous night out satisfying his addiction, his pals decide to talk to him and express their opinions. Will Stoney listen and recognize what has occurred to him, or will he deny it and continue as before?

Stoney the Pony's Most Inspiring Year is an excellent resource for explaining addiction to children. With the help of Sarah Foreman-Manzano's beautiful pictures, this book effectively captures what it is like to suffer from addiction. The accompanying coloring pages are also fantastic. I particularly liked how Linda Myers demonstrated that this circumstance can happen to anyone and how the assistance of friends and family can make a significant difference. Stoney manages to break down difficult social issues for children. I also appreciated that it was written for adults because it clearly shows the familial dynamics of addiction and the measures required to overcome it. Furthermore, the "Points for Parents" section engages the rest of the family in the conversation and serves as an excellent discussion guide to share with your children. I highly suggest this book to every family; it's a must-have in your library.