Stories of Nature From The Florida Keys

A park ranger's adventures in paradise, behind the lens and through the seasons

Non-Fiction - Art/Photography
152 Pages
Reviewed on 10/16/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Liz Konkel for Readers' Favorite

Stories of Nature From The Florida Keys by Kristie Killam is a stunning photography book that is a blend of rich images, short essays that depict the personal experiences of a retired park ranger, and an assortment of helpful tips, fun facts, visiting tips, and even photo tips for photographers. Embark on a gorgeous journey into the Florida Keys through the eyes of someone who calls it home. A unique perspective on this breathtaking mix of wildlife, nature, and barrier reefs. Along the way you will encounter everything from an alligator to turtles as you’re introduced to the unique sights and personalities of the Florida Keys. What makes the book stand out is that it not only captures the tranquility and beauty of these islands and reefs but touches upon the current battle to protect these same lands from threats including climate change and habitat loss. Killam captures the magic of the natural world around us while reminding us of a valuable lesson in appreciating and respecting it.

The book focuses specifically on the Florida Keys, offering personal reflections that will help you think deeper about the wildlife in these areas and perhaps even think differently about the wildlife in your area. The primary message is to shine a light on the loss of our natural world and hope for the prevention of the consequences this has on wildlife and the ecosystem. This is also an ideal guidebook for those looking to check out the Florida Keys. Adding personal experiences with the Florida Keys gives the book a reality that is needed to get the message across and to bridge a connection between the location and the reader. Featured throughout are help boxes that provide a range of information such as beach cleanups to protect the ocean from pollution, appreciating fawns from afar, and using reef-safe sunscreen. This is great for tourists and locals alike to visit in ways that are harmless to the local wildlife and can also protect the ecosystem. Furthermore, lists of public lands and hidden gems are perfect for a vacation or weekend trip. There are also photo tips supported by gorgeous photographs for those interested in photography. These shots highlight the unsung heroes of the natural world and what we should appreciate all around us. Stories of Nature From The Florida Keys by Kristie Killam is an ideal guide that places the well-being of the ecosystem first while including ways to have fun, see beauty, and appreciate everything the Florida Keys has to offer without harming it.