Sweetie, That's Not Sweets!

Children - Educational
32 Pages
Reviewed on 07/01/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Emily-Jane Hills Orford for Readers' Favorite

Medicine has a purpose – to heal. It’s not a treat; it’s not candy. Too much medicine can be harmful, just as taking someone else’s medicine can make you sick. In Dr. Kathleen Humel’s Sweetie, That’s Not Sweets!, a young girl, sick with a fever and sore throat, is prescribed a medicinal syrup to heal her infection. It tastes so good, she wants more – a lot more. Her mother explains carefully the importance of medicine and how it helps, but it can also hurt: “Even though they may look and taste like treats,/ Sweetie, medicine for you and/ me is definitely not sweets!” Mother and daughter have an endearing bond and the time the mother spends explaining this important message is evident and beneficial. The daughter is learning that medicine isn’t meant to be abused or taken for granted.

Dr. Kathleen Humel’s picture book, Sweetie, That’s Not Sweets!, is a lyrical, rhyming verse gem to teach young readers the importance of respecting medicine for its proper use. The author uses simple language so young readers can easily follow along and improve their reading skills. The illustrations are bright, bold, and colorful and help move the action forward. The story is concise and gets right to the point, making the lesson easy to understand. The interaction between mother and daughter is heartwarming, encouraging young readers to seek help from elders as needed. Drug safety is important and young readers need to know that medicine has its purpose – only to heal.