Taken From The Cradle

Unveiling a Black-Market Baby Ring; Conquering Walls to Unearth the Truth

Non-Fiction - Autobiography
176 Pages
Reviewed on 08/12/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Ruffina Oserio for Readers' Favorite

Discovering that one has been deceived about one’s origins is a strong premise for a compelling fiction narrative. However, Taken From The Cradle by Devorah Lee is not fiction but a raw and emotionally grounded memoir that chronicles her lifelong quest for identity and belonging following her tumultuous upbringing in a web of lies. Raised in a dysfunctional household with an oppressive sense of secrecy about her origins, Lee's journey is a gripping exploration of self-discovery, trauma, and the relentless pursuit of the truth. The narrative is not only a chronicle of personal loss and rediscovery but also a poignant reflection on identity, familial ties, and illegal adoptions in the 1950s and 1960s. The story pivots on an extraordinary revelation delivered on 9/11 (of all dates!) of 2015 when a photograph of the author’s birth mother, Winifred Lipsey, was placed before her, and she begins to peel back the layers of her past. Lee offers vivid depictions of her upbringing by the Shens, her adoptive parents, who destroyed her emotionally and abused her psychologically while maintaining a façade of normalcy. The juxtaposition of her early life with her later realization of being part of a family—a twist that not only includes siblings but also an exploration of her mother’s tragic life—augments the narrative.

Devorah Lee’s voice is authentic and vulnerable, conveying her deep-seated fears as she struggles with her identity against the backdrop of years of rejection and abuse. The memoir is peppered with emotional highs and devastating lows, all while skillfully weaving in a historical context that sheds light on past societal norms surrounding adoptions and familial disintegration. Although Lee’s search for her family results in meaningful connections, her narrative exposes the harsh realities of familial division and loss, worsened by contemporary political turmoil. This ongoing struggle to maintain relationships with newfound siblings while facing ideological chasms resonates strongly in today’s climate. Taken From The Cradle is tellingly rich in detail, depicting the author’s experiences, the agony of loss, and the joy of fleeting moments of connection with her biological siblings. Devorah Lee emerges as a survivor and a seeker of truth and authenticity in a world marred by deception. This memoir is powerful, written in stellar prose, and intriguing on multiple levels.

Meredith Keller

Beautifully written book about the author’s passionate struggle to find her true identity! I literally could put this book down once I started reading it! ❤️