Tegen Abduction

Fiction - Fantasy - Urban
Kindle Edition
Reviewed on 06/13/2022
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Miche Arendse for Readers' Favorite

Tegen Abduction by Inge-Lise Goss continues on from the fourth installment of the Tegen series. Sara Jones, after having become involved with her boyfriend’s family is entangled in a web of lies and danger. Sara wants nothing more than to get rid of an illegal drug plant in Albuquerque; however, things become twisted when the plant is moved. Now Sara must track down the plant and escape a vindictive Tegen who is out for revenge. Can she make it out of this one?

Tegen Abduction by Inge-Lise Goss is a riveting book filled with action and suspense. The premise of the series itself is so interesting and unique which gives the series a great hooking point. Adding to the intense drama and action in the book, you can’t help but become hooked. Having come into this book series a bit late, I still found it easy to enjoy and become immersed in the story. I did some digging into the series for more background information which really helped give context to this book. Even without that, Tegen Abduction on its own was so well written and full of suspenseful moments that have you hanging onto every page. I thoroughly enjoyed the descriptive scenes which helped paint the story in my mind. To me, this is something that makes for a good book. Along with the strong-willed female lead and unique cast of characters, I would say this author has definitely outdone herself. This book was fantastic and I would highly recommend it.

K.C. Finn

Tegen Abduction is a work of fiction in the urban fantasy, crime, and thriller subgenres. It is intended for the general reading audience and was penned by author Inge-Lise Goss. In the fifth book in the Tegen series, we find ourselves back with protagonist Sara Jones as she continues her vendetta against organized crime. A swift move to hide an illegal drug plant coincides with the disappearance of a friend’s daughter, sending Sara to Kansas City to infiltrate the plant owner’s inner circle. But when Sara discovers Conner, her crime boss boyfriend, on the same path, she is suspicious that his reappearance in her life isn’t as innocent as he claims.

Author Inge-Lise Goss really knows how to maintain suspense in her storytelling, and it comes through in every well-paced and carefully plotted scene of this thrilling new addition to the Tegen series. The fantasy elements of the story are so ingrained into the plot that the rest of the tale becomes convincingly realistic, and you really feel for Sara in the revelations that hit her further down the line. There were plenty of exciting surprises and fans of the previous works in the series are sure to recognize clever, ongoing plot threads and the deeper development of the dynamic between Conner and Sara. The dialogue was also a standout feature, shifting the plot forward without the need for huge chunks of prose, and also offering some really engaging banter between the central characters that lightens up some of the darker plot elements. Overall, Tegen Abduction is a thrilling read for one and all, and I highly recommend it.

Keith Mbuya

Sara Jones had killed Blake in self-defense, but not everyone believed that was the case, at least not Blake’s girlfriend Taina. Sara manages to escape the Tegen laws with the help of her friend Kendall. Taina, on the other hand, is found guilty in regard to Sara’s case and is sentenced to a short time in jail. Sara sets out to end the operation of an opioid plant in Albuquerque, something she had so longed to do. Sara not only finds out that the plant had been moved to Kansas City, but also a lot of disappearances of people were linked to the plant. In a bid to know more about the plant’s organization, Sara stumbles into Conner Crusset (her criminal boyfriend) while in Kansas City. Conner convinces Sara that he too is after destroying the organization behind the opioid plant. Is Conner honest about his intentions? As if there is not enough trouble on Sara’s plate, Taina escapes prison and goes after Sara, seeking to avenge Blake’s death. What will happen to Sara? Find out more in Inge-Lise Goss’s Tegen Abduction.

Enthusiasts of fantasy novels with a touch of a paranormal tale will find Inge-Lise Goss’s Tegen Abduction an enthralling read. Inge-Lise Goss hatches quite an engrossing plot featuring great characters and amazing plot twists. She aligns her ideas consistently, giving her storyline a beautiful flow. The narration made me feel like I was in all the scenes with the characters, helplessly watching their every move. She depicts her scenes and characters vividly and this added color to my imagination. The characters were well developed, with each character’s personality being boldly brought out. The aspect of introspection coupled with emotions in the dialogue made it easy for me to bond with the characters. Sara Jones is an intelligent, compassionate, and selfless character. Inge-Lise Goss covers various themes including organized crime, family, friendship, legal affairs, love, and more. There is tension, suspense, adventure, and so much more for readers to enjoy in Tegen Abduction.