Tewkesbury Tomb

Fiction - Mystery - General
224 Pages
Reviewed on 08/04/2011
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Lynette Fowlston for Readers' Favorite

The Tewkesbury Tomb by Kerry Tombs is the fourth book in the author's Inspector Ravenscroft series. When a body turns up in tomb of an aged medieval crusader knight, Inspector Ravenscroft, along with Constable Tom Crabb, are selected to try and solve this crime. Six strangers who just happen to come across this body at midnight in the great Tewkesbury Abbey are the only witnesses, and they claim to have met for the first time that night. Something just does not seem right to Ravenscoft as the witnesses start getting murdered one by one. Someone is lying, and as the Inspector digs deeper, the murders keep happening; the past comes to light as does the solution to the mystery. Will the inspector get this solved before the last two are murdered?

I like a good, cleanly written "who dun it" mystery where one has to read the clues to figure it out. This is one that has little subtle clues, and I thought I had figured out who did it but found out I was wrong. This is the first of the Inspector Ravenscroft series I have read, but I found him to be quite an enjoyable chap, as were several of the other characters. Because the book is written in British dialect, some readers may not like it. However, this is a fast read that is suitable for all ages with no sexual scenes or coarse language. It's a good book for mystery buffs.