The Adventures of Oreo and Algonquin

The White House Tour

Children - Grade 4th-6th
98 Pages
Reviewed on 03/08/2012
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Anne Boling for Readers' Favorite

"The Adventures of Oreo and Algonquin: The White House Tour" by Leah Taylor Jefferson introduces young readers to past Presidents. The star of this book is a miniature horse named Oreo. Oreo’s great-grandfather belonged to Teddy Roosevelt. When Oreo’s human mom and dad take him to Washington DC Oreo meets his great-grandfather. Mystical things can happen at the White House. Great-grandfather pulls Oreo through a painting into the past where they meet with George Washington’s horses. They watched as the groom cleaned Washington’s horses leaving them brilliant white and shiny. Their next stop was to meet Thomas Jefferson’s Wildair. Jefferson loved his horses. Oreo also saw Dolly Madison. The small horses barely escaped the British. I now know why the White House is painted white, and know the names of the Presidents’ horses, and that President Jackson raced horses and Van Buren rode with a raw cabbage leaf on his head. I discovered that Lincoln loved horses and Old Abe saved the President’s life.

Children learn more when the learning is fun. The author has created an entertaining book that is also educational. I never realized how much horses had to do with the founding of this nation. This is an exciting and unique way of teaching history. The story is written in an easy to read and understand style. I learned a lot from this book. There are questions at the end of each chapter; the answers are at the end of the book. The color illustrations are delightfully done and add much to the text. I recommend this book for educators, both parents and teachers. Librarians will want this book on their shelves.