The American and the Bus Driver

Non-Fiction - Memoir
274 Pages
Reviewed on 06/22/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Foluso Falaye for Readers' Favorite

The American and the Bus Driver by Paummi Sarrazin is about the beauty of love, travel, and culture. It all started with a ten-day school trip to France and a meeting that seemed orchestrated by fate. Paummi, who lived near Paris as a child, was on a trip to France as an American French teacher when she found out that the bus driver was a well-dressed French man named Jeanmi. Little did Paummi know at the time that her encounter with Jeanmi would lead to a very memorable adventure in France. She enjoyed a wonderful time with fun hikes, rich food, cheerful stories, passionate moments, and exciting plans. Follow two lovers from different countries and backgrounds as they forge a lasting connection and explore new possibilities in Paummi's delightful memoir.

I loved that Paummi Sarrazin wrote about the little intricacies of the physical part of the journey. Sometimes, this leads to poetic observations like, "The bare trails of the nearby ski resorts shaved into the green stood out against the gray stone." Furthermore, the characters are described in a clear and deeply compelling manner. Consequently, readers can easily understand their core perspectives and unique traits. I enjoyed seeing Jeanmi's boldly optimistic trait contrasted with Paummi's mindset of always thinking of the worst-case scenarios. Overall, The American and the Bus Driver is a must-read for fans of travel tales and romantic memoirs. From wedding plans to dramatic rumors and picturesque travel accounts, the chapters are effortlessly entertaining. It is vividly descriptive, charmingly romantic, and rich in immersive cultural details—the sort of book that befits a romantic adventure in France.


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