The Anxious Christian Dentist

Conquering Anxiety Through God

Christian - Non-Fiction
150 Pages
Reviewed on 08/27/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Astrid Iustulin for Readers' Favorite

Since he was young, Mark P. Vogley suffered from anxiety, and this condition persisted throughout his life. He felt anxiety when he attempted to cheat on a Spanish test in school, during his years of dental school (when Vogley was advised to run around the building to calm down), and even after he started his career as a dentist and had to deal with unkind patients. It was thanks to his faith in God that he was able to overcome his problem gradually. In The Anxious Christian Dentist, Vogley uses quotes from the Bible, prayers, and anecdotes to describe God's influence on him. Every believer, especially if they suffer from anxiety, is now invited to follow the author on this journey.

I found The Anxious Christian Dentist extremely original and enjoyable. I have read many books about how to deal with anxiety and how God has helped people, but Mark P. Vogley's book is unique. He does not hide any of his thoughts, and readers will find it extremely interesting to learn how he dealt with anxiety, especially if they are in the same situation. I appreciated that the author highlighted what God has done for him and included quotes and prayers. I also like that he explains how laughter helps those who suffer from anxiety because it is a valuable suggestion. I recommend this book to anyone who believes in God and is dealing with a problem like Vogley's. Thanks to him and God, they will find a way to move forward.