The Apocalypse Calendar

A Novel

Fiction - Thriller - General
238 Pages
Reviewed on 09/03/2013
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Anne Boling for Readers' Favorite

The Apocalypse Calendar by Emile A. Pessagno, Jr is an exciting end of the world thriller. Professor Frank Miller takes a team of geologists on a research mission deep into Mexico. The university geologist discovers a strange stone box with the skeleton of an Aztec chieftain draped over it. Inside the box they find an odd disc, which they take home with them to study. Soon after they took the unusual treasure, they each had a peculiar dream. Little did the team know the treasure would prove to be a nightmare! The locals whispered of the legend of an ancient curse; could the treasure play a part in the curse? The team notice a correlation between the natural disasters (earthquakes and volcanoes) and the removal of the treasure from its resting place.

The Apocalypse Calendar was a little slow moving at first but once the action picked up it continued on at an exciting pace. I’ve always been fascinated by apocalyptic literature and this book did not disappoint me. Author Emile A. Pessagno, Jr. was careful not to take himself too seriously in this tale. He added just the right amount of humor to keep this tale from going too dark. I couldn’t help but laugh at the professor and his grandchildren.

The ending was exciting, surprising, and enthralling. This tale refers to the end of the world as December 21, 2013 not December 21, 2012 as was previously believed. Out of curiosity, I looked the date up and it appears there is a faction that believe this is the date referred to by the Mayan calendar. The Apocalypse Calendar is a great read, one you won’t want to miss.