The Ark of Ukraine

Bringing the Kingdom to a War-Torn Country

Non-Fiction - Memoir
173 Pages
Reviewed on 08/12/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Grant Leishman for Readers' Favorite

The Ark of Ukraine: Bringing the Kingdom to a War-Torn Country by Lura Hunter is the inspirational story of two Ukrainians, Peter and Irina Tkachuk, in creating and sustaining a charitable mission to spread their faith and beliefs to the Ukrainian people. We follow their journey from youngsters growing up in the Soviet Union to Ukrainian independence, right through to the present day as they try to assist those affected by the horror, bloodshed, and loss of the Russian invasion and war in Ukraine. Although their mission began principally as a way of spreading Christianity to the Ukrainian people, initially through the setting up of Christian outreach camps for children, it has developed into so much more over the ensuing decades. A move to the United States would see the Tkachuks develop many deep and lasting friendships among the Christians there that would provide much-needed support, funds, and volunteers for their rapidly expanding mission in Ukraine. The Tkachuks never deviated from their mission to spread the “Good News” of their savior’s redemption to as many Ukrainians as possible as their camps moved from children's to men’s camps, women’s camps, and even camps for addicts and alcoholics. As the Russian invasion, first of Crimea and then of Eastern Ukraine, progressed, the Noah’s Ark project also turned its attention to providing aid, refuge, and assistance to those displaced, injured in war, those still fighting, and the families who had lost loved ones; always operating on a wing and a prayer but always believing in the power of God to provide.

The Ark of Ukraine, as well as being a fitting testament to the incredible lives of Peter and Irina Tkachuk, conveys much more in its message of love, acceptance, and redemption. Author Lura Hunter has paid a great tribute to the Tkachuks for their incredible vision but also is quick to point out the generosity, love, and commitment of so many people who have assisted the Ark’s success over the years. Ultimately, though, the focus in this story is firmly rooted in and celebrating the power of God in providing everything needed to fulfill this vision and mission. What I want to point out specifically is that the focus on God should never be a reason to put readers off this book. Yes, Christians will love and get much from this story but the underlying message of this book is relevant to everyone; love, gratitude, giving, and the triumph of the spirit of humanity. What this book reminds us all is that unity of purpose, commitment to an ideal, a true belief in what is right, and most importantly action in faith is what is necessary to successfully combat evil and aggression. Forgetting about politics, history, and religion, this book tells the story of people committed to a vision and seeing it through to its conclusion, regardless of the difficulties encountered. The author, the Tkachuks, and many of the project’s supporters attribute their success to the glory of God and that is action in faith. The results and success of the Ark of Ukraine speak volumes for their faith and beliefs and I stand in awe of what they have achieved. I highly recommend this read to all, regardless of your faith or indeed, lack of faith.