The Awakening Christian

Complete Series

Non-Fiction - Autobiography
508 Pages
Reviewed on 06/11/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by K.C. Finn for Readers' Favorite

The Awakening Christian: Complete Series is a work of non-fiction in the Christian writing, autobiography, and inspirational writing genres. Penned by author Sallie Dawkins, this engrossing collection encapsulates the transformative power of supernatural healing and deliverance in the author's life. This special anniversary edition combines three best-selling and award-winning books into one volume, guiding readers on a journey to discover their identity, potential, and purpose in Christ. Dawkins recounts her personal encounter with God, which marked a turning point in her faith journey, leading to healing from chronic pain and an ordained ministry in Christian healing evangelism. Through personal testimony and biblical principles, she empowers readers to confront doubts, deceptions, and assumptions, guiding them toward a renewed and confident faith.

Author Sallie Dawkins utilizes a frank, open style to craft a deeply inspiring and enlightening read that is sure to draw curious readers into her journey of faith and supernatural transformation. Each book in the series delves into fundamental spiritual principles with clarity and depth, providing practical guidance for cultivating a vibrant relationship with God and operating in His power and love. There’s a uniformity to the series that makes it comforting to read, and the confident yet warm narrative style always reassures you that you’re in safe hands as you explore and reflect on the concepts in your own spiritual journey. The integration of personal testimony, biblical teachings, and practical applications made the content accessible and relevant, and the content is well-arranged to help you refer back to key passages that resonated with you at any time. Dawkins' emphasis on identity, authority, and communion with God is sincere and heartfelt, and reading this feels like you’re being counseled by a wise friend who has been through a lot and thrived because of it. Overall, The Awakening Christian: Complete Series is a must-read for anyone seeking spiritual growth, empowerment, and a deeper understanding of their faith.

Cherubimaris Casino

The Awakening Christian: Complete Series is a collection of spiritual works by Sallie Dawkins. The author delivers a refreshing blend of stories, spiritual wisdom, and practical advice. At the end of each chapter, there are faith challenges and a prayer to accompany the author's reflection. With a blend of compassion and practicality, she imparts invaluable lessons on navigating life's challenges with faith and grace. By telling the stories of others in her community, the author invites us to not only enrich our own lives but the lives of those around us. The author proves to be a true evangelist with her words and encouragement for others to do the same. She is bold in sharing her testimony and says that sharing a testimony doesn’t have to be difficult. 

What I love most about this series is that it is full of prayer and passion for the faith. The author's conversations with God are genuine, raw, and profound. Overall, I found the entire collection to be inspirational and relatable. Sallie Dawkins’ questions are humble, thought-provoking, and gentle. She asks, “What if I wasn't running from eternal punishment but toward infinite love?” The author strives for her readers to learn their true identity as beloved children of God. Throughout the series, Dawkins crafts her narrative with a blend of scripture, solid research, personal anecdotes, and a sprinkling of humor. The Awakening Christian: Complete Series is more than a collection of books, but is a spiritual map offering guidance to those willing to receive. This book would make a great gift that can light up the spirits of believers or anyone seeking a dose of faith-filled inspiration! Well-written and put together.

Jamie Michele

The Awakening Christian series by Sallie Dawkins is a Christian self-help trilogy designed to guide readers on their spiritual journey. In the first book in the series, You Can Hear the Voice of God Through All Your Spiritual Senses, Dawkins shares her insights on spiritual growth, divine identity, and distinguishing God's voice from distractions. In book two, You Can Know the Heart of God For Your Life, Dawkins leads readers on a candid journey to discern God's intentions, understand His will, and nurture supernatural discernment. Finally, in book three, You Can Share the Love of God With Others, Dawkins speaks on Christ's authority and the Holy Spirit's power and teaches practical strategies to partner with God in fulfilling the Great Commission of spreading His word.

Throughout The Awakening Christian series, Sallie Dawkins does a fantastic job of not only showing readers about knowing God but connecting it to herself in the stories she shares, which are then witnessed to us in personal testimony that makes it relatable. Every single point uses scriptural reference to support it, providing a strong foundation and credibility to the writing by grounding it in the most authoritative of sources. The standout lesson to me is in the third book, which promotes active engagement in prayer and reflection, encouraging believers to seek God’s wisdom and direction through continuous and sincere communication. By addressing Dawkins's personal struggles, promoting active prayer, encouraging growth through trials, and learning a practical application of faith, she provides comprehensive, actionable support—and actionable is what we are after here in our pursuit of connection. Very highly recommended.