The Believer within You

Young Adult - Social Issues
57 Pages
Reviewed on 10/15/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Pikasho Deka for Readers' Favorite

The Believer within You is a young adult illustrated novella by Tyrone Burnett. Brenda Sue Bellamy is a precocious twelve-year-old with ambitions to study law or become an investigative journalist. She lives in the most rural county in Northern Gainesville -- Pamunkey County, Florida. It pains her that almost 10 million children in the United States face homelessness due to wrongful foreclosures and evictions. When Brenda stumbles upon her next-door neighbor, Gary, talking with the accountant of a local property development agency, she discovers a sinister conspiracy by corrupt county officials and real estate developers to scam homeowners. Brenda discloses her findings to her mother, Ida Jean, who is the quality control auditor for the county government's tax commissioner. Ida Jean delves into the case to uncover a grand conspiracy of fraudulent mortgage loan originations and closings.

Inspired by the real-life events of the 2007-2009 mortgage crisis that led to a global financial meltdown, The Believer within You follows a young girl's fight against corruption in her local county. Tyrone Burnett's character-driven tale is more relevant than ever as greedy corporations continue to work together with corrupt government officials to scam the general populace and thrive on their misery. The captivating narrative shows how even one person with a civic sense of duty can change the world and make it a better place. Brenda is someone young readers can relate to. I liked how she teamed up with her mother to bring down the corrupt individuals and institutions in their local county. Overall, this is a riveting story with some poignant social commentary. Highly recommended.