The Bonny Lane Club

A True Story of Fitness, Friendship, and Faith, Forged Through Struggle, Suffering, and Strength

Non-Fiction - Memoir
Kindle Edition
Reviewed on 08/02/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Jamie Michele for Readers' Favorite

In his memoir, The Bonny Lane Club, Russ Allen recounts his transition from high school to college, and his football, injuries, and spiritual growth. A severe knee injury necessitated ACL surgery and physical therapy. Bob Gorinski played a crucial role in Allen's recovery through unconventional training and faith discussions. Bob's basement became a key recovery site, and his support extended to both the physical and spiritual, with events like "Plyo Friday" and local touch football games. Despite additional injuries and rehab, Allen found inspiration in Bob's social media and blog, integrating these insights into his mindset. Allen continued to develop his fitness and faith, supported by Bob's evolving training methods, even as Bob faced terminal cancer. Allen's experiences with Bob deepened his understanding of resilience, divine love, and strength, culminating in a special nod at Allen's wedding in honor of their friendship.

“I knew that this new injury couldn’t be an accident either. Perhaps God had brought me back here for this.” Russ Allen takes a unique, non-linear approach as The Bonny Lane Club starts, allowing readers to see how past events continue to influence his present life and the ongoing impact of these experiences on his identity and worldview. Allen's voice is consistent throughout his retelling and marked by a blend of introspection and humor. His tone effectively mirrors the emotional highs and lows, making what he shares engaging and authentic. This might be Allen's memoir, but it is Bob who comes off as the star. I was completely blown away by the strength of the man physically juxtaposed with the tenderness of his heart. He was so clearly a stand-up guy and an inspiration. Bob’s physical prowess and extraordinary capabilities are depicted in pieces like where Allen points out that Bob could effortlessly deadlift 600 pounds for a warmup set. The writing is comfortably conversational, deeply inspiring, and a true delight to read. Recommended.