The Boss of Hampton Beach

Fiction - Mystery - General
314 Pages
Reviewed on 03/21/2013
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Author Biography

Jed Power's first crime novel, "The Boss of Hampton Beach," is available in Trade Paper and as an ebook.

The bartender protagonist in the novel is named Dan Marlowe. The real Dan Marlowe was Jed Power's father's best friend. Mr. Marlowe wrote his crime masterpiece, "The Name of the Game is Death," while living with the Power family in Woburn, MA. He named a character in the novel after Jed Power. Jed has returned the honor.

Jed Power has been mentioned several times in the new Dan Marlowe biography, "Gunshots in Another Room," by journalist Charles Kelly.

The second crime novel in the Dan Marlowe series, "Hampton Beach Homicide," will be out in both paper and e-versions May 1, 2013

Jed is an "Active" member of the Mystery Writers of America and has had many short stories in the crime genre published.

Jed also is an avid collector of vintage Hardboild/Noir paperbacks. The collection includes what is believed to be the largest collection of Dan Marlowe novels, short stories, inscribed items and memorabilia.

    Book Review

Reviewed by Jack Magnus for Readers' Favorite

"The Boss of Hampton Beach" is the story of Dan Marlowe, the one-time owner of the ocean-front bar where he now works. The small, summer resort town is buzzing with the shooting deaths of a local charter boat owner and his crewman. What the townspeople and tourists don't know is common knowledge to the local DEA officer and his assistant as well as the owner of the goods taken by the killers of the two men -- Captain McGee had taken on a job smuggling cocaine, 100 kilos of it, which is now missing. Dan is a chief suspect as he had a history of cocaine use, which is the reason why he no longer owns his bar and, worse, led to his losing his wife and having no access to his kids.

Jed Power has created a gritty, hard-pounding mystery that grabs the reader and doesn't let go. Dan Marlowe and the other main characters are finely drawn and seem to come alive in this tale of rival gangsters, DEA agents and local police all on the trail of the missing cocaine and the killers. There is a lot of action and adventure in "The Boss of Hampton Beach", and there are times when the tension builds and it is really hard to tell who will survive the scene. Both those readers who enjoy mobster fiction and fans of police procedures will find much to appreciate in this powerful and satisfying crime noir offering. I found it impossible to stop reading until I reached the very last page. It is undoubtedly a great read.