The Church Murders

Greek Island Mystery 2

Fiction - Mystery - General
Kindle Edition
Reviewed on 08/26/2015
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Chris Fischer for Readers' Favorite

Whoa! That’s what I thought when I finished reading The Church Murders, the second book in the Greek Island Mystery series by author Luke Christodoulou. Following the same characters from the first book in the series, Captain Costa Papacosta and Detective Ioli Cara, we find them neck deep in the murder of not one, but seven people, one for each of the Greek islands, and all somehow connected to the Greek church. Papacosta and Cara soon realize that they are dealing with more than just simple murder investigations, and if they don’t solve the cases soon, others, including themselves, will be at risk.

The Church Murders is an exciting, easy to follow thrill ride that will keep you on the edge of your seat throughout. Author Luke Christodoulou is an excellent storyteller and does a great job of developing characters that are realistic, relatable and likable, no small feat. There are realistically drawn and somewhat graphic murder scenarios, several of which had my stomach tied up in knots. He also does a fine job of describing surroundings well enough so that the reader actually feels as if they are touring the Greek islands along with characters Papacosta and Cara, a fun addition to a murder mystery read. The Church Murders would appeal to any reader who enjoys murder mysteries, suspenseful reads, or action adventure novels. I am pleased to recommend this book and hope that author Christodoulou is working on his next book in this promising series.