The Color Connection

Children - Concept
24 Pages
Reviewed on 04/18/2023
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Lois J Wickstrom for Readers' Favorite

Blobs of color live in a black and white city. Mr. Red, Ms. Yellow, and Mr. Blue live in the eastern half because they want to be the first to get the sunshine every morning, and the sun rises in the east. After all, they are the primary colors, so they should get everything first. Mr. Purple, Mr. Orange, and Mrs. Green live in the western half. As secondary colors, they get the sunshine second. Mr. Purple has an idea – he invites all the colors to a party. Amazingly, they all come. As the colors mingle in The Color Connection, written by Marcia Harris and Lisa Gray, and illustrated by Lindsey Burwell, readers will see color theory (as taught in art classes) come to life before their very eyes.

Combine snobbishness with bright colors and a sense of humor, and what do you get? The Color Connection by Marcia Harris and Lisa Gray. The authors are art teachers. They have developed a sweet way to teach color theory. The Primary Colors (Mr. Red, Mr. Blue, and Ms. Yellow) want to be first in everything – first to try new fashions, eat new foods, and first to get the sunshine in the morning. The Secondary colors (Mr. Purple, Mr. Orange, and Mrs. Green) are always in second place. They even live on the west side of the city, which gets sunshine after the east side. They live separate lives until Mr. Purple invites them all to a party. Even at the party, the Primary and Secondary colors stay separate, until ... they see that they are all related. The characters even look like blobs of paint, thus encouraging children to combine colors the way the artist does in the story. This story is a lovely introduction to both color theory and human kindness.