The Coven's Secret

Fiction - Paranormal
424 Pages
Reviewed on 05/02/2022
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Anne-Marie Reynolds for Readers' Favorite

The Coven's Secret by Alicia Rades is a paranormal tale that will send shivers down your spine. After losing her parents, Nadine goes to live with her grandmother where she discovers she is, in fact, a witch. On her 19th birthday, her powers will awaken but first, she must learn about magic. Attending a magic academy, she meets a warlock called Lucas, an enigma she can't work out. But she can't spend all her time mooning over him; she has to pass the goddess's test or face being banished from the coven for life. Lucas is a Reaper's Apprentice; his job is to take the dead's last thoughts with him to the afterlife when he dies. Not a job he wanted and he can't seem to find a good side to it. Until Nadine appears in town. But he can't fall for her. A curse means that anyone who falls for a reaper will die and Lucas is destined to live a lonely life. Or is he? Can he and Nadine break the curse? Can they save each other?

The Coven's Secret by Alicia Rades is a thrilling tale told from two perspectives. Each chapter is written from either Nadine's or Lucas's perspective, giving you an insight into how the two main characters think. An intriguing tale, this story will put you firmly in mind of the Harry Potter series. A delightful story, if a little steamy in places, this book is packed with cool characters, all well developed, especially the main ones. Each has their own story to tell and those stories come out over the course of the book. One thing that stands out is how Alicia Rades dealt with the subject of Lupus, a medical condition that few really understand. She clearly researched it and provided plenty of details to help us see how the condition fits into the story. The story has a lot of action and plenty of twists - the ending will leave you wanting to read the next book straight away.