The Cult Worship and the Warriors

Christian - Non-Fiction
106 Pages
Reviewed on 02/07/2012
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Anne Boling for Readers' Favorite

"The Cult Worship and the Warriors" is by Maria Sanctissima Trinidad. When Maria was invited enthusiastically by a colleague to attend a lecture she agreed. The speaker was described as an inspirational author with visionary gifts. She was impressed with the friendliness and warmth of the congregation, the feeling of acceptance and the charisma of the speaker. The members hung on every word the leader spoke; they eagerly awaited her stories with attention. They felt honored of any word from her, like dogs waiting under the table for a crumb. She shared stories of her visits to heaven. She spoke of being the granddaughter of God, of Mary her mother combing her hair.
Soon Maria was invited to become a member. Members were required to attend monthly meetings, support the group financially and pray specific prayers. As soon as Maria was initiated the leader proclaimed a message from God not to allow anyone else to become members.

In chapter 4 the author shares the 19 protocols of aligning your house. Some of these seemed a little strange and even superstitious while others seemed more than a little familiar. Chapter 8 contains the revelations of the leader. To me many seemed more than a little far-fetched. The members were frequently tested to determine their loyalty. When Maria describes her test of loyalty, I felt her shame and humiliation. I commend the author for staying calm; I would have been crying hysterical tears. The spiritual attacks that are described in this tale are frightening. Many will doubt the validity but I don’t.

Trinidad writes with authority. Her tale will bring mixed emotions. Some will laugh and ridicule, others will tremble with fear, and some with believe and praise God that he protected Maria. I found this story fascinating. It also made me think about my image of God, pastors and laymen. Trinidad’s descriptions are vivid. It is with great courage that she shares her story. "The Cult Worship and the Warriors" is a warning to others to test the spirits. Scripture tells us to be aware of false spirits and false teachers. Maria has great strength, faith and conviction. Heed her warning and strengthen your walk with God so that you will recognize false teachers. Remember that wolves dress in sheep clothing.