The Cybersecurity Spiral of Failure And How to Break Out of It

Why large firms still struggle with cybersecurity and how to engineer real change dynamics

Non-Fiction - Education
156 Pages
Reviewed on 08/26/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Pikasho Deka for Readers' Favorite

Over the past decade, many organizations have been prone to information security lapses and faced a few infamous cyber attacks. In The Cybersecurity Spiral of Failure: And How to Break Out of It, veteran cybersecurity consultant and CEO of Corix Partners, Jean-Christophe Gaillard, presents a collection of published articles between 2015 and 2022 that explore how organizations must face information security threats today. The book calls for creating lasting organizational change concerning cybersecurity and hiring IT executives who put an equal onus on control and security as they do on delivery, functionality, and performance. CISOs must develop robust operating models for their information security teams. The book also delves into the role of the modern CISO, leadership challenges around cybersecurity, questions the board of directors must reflect on, approaching cybersecurity as a leadership imperative, risk management, and much more.

The Cybersecurity Spiral of Failure: And How to Break Out of It takes a deep dive into the culture organizations must foster to address various challenges related to information security. With these informative and in-depth articles, Jean-Christophe Gaillard shows how senior IT executives, especially CISOs, can offer dynamic leadership and become the flagbearers of security and control within organizations. The articles are thorough and accessible. There is attention to detail in every topic covered in this book. Gaillard insists cybersecurity threats are not merely a technology problem but a systematic organizational problem depending on the firm's maturity levels. The book is technical at times but still easy and engaging to read. I found it very educational and illuminating, and I highly recommend it to CISOs, CEOs, and other IT executives.