The Dance

A Story of Love, Faith, and Survival (Deluxe 2nd Edition)

Non-Fiction - Inspirational
136 Pages
Reviewed on 05/31/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Pikasho Deka for Readers' Favorite

Joan Aubele shares her life story and her extraordinary battle with terminal cancer in The Dance: A Story of Love, Faith, and Survival. In 1990, Joan had just recently given birth to her third daughter, Natalie, when her life turned upside down as she was diagnosed with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia. Seeing her diagnosis of Stage Four cancer, the doctor told her husband, Carl, that she didn't have much time to live and to start preparing for funeral arrangements. However, miraculously, Joan held on to life and woke up from a weeks-long coma to begin a slow and strenuous road to recovery. While she continued to suffer from health issues over the years, Joan found strength in her faith in God and followed the path of the Holy Spirit. Her loving husband, her daughters, and some lifelong friends became the pillars who supported her throughout her healing journey.

Love and faith go a long way in helping us overcome adversity while making life bearable in our worst moments, and Joan Aubele's inspirational story is a testament to that. The Dance celebrates the resilience of the human spirit and shows how faith in God and the support of family and friends can help us overcome the most intimidating hurdles life throws our way. Joan's story is extraordinary, not just because of her prevailing over a terminal illness but also finding a way to live life to the fullest, discovering joy and her purpose along the way. The author gives an unflinching account of her life in an accessible writing style, and you can relate to her and sympathize with her struggles. As a reader, I found myself engrossed in this memoir. Highly recommended.