The Day the Mirror Cried

Tales of Mystery, Wisdom and Enchantment

Fiction - Short Story/Novela
188 Pages
Reviewed on 12/09/2014
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Michelle Stanley for Readers' Favorite

The Day the Mirror Cried is a collection of short stories and poetry by Saundra Kelley. See what happens in Smooth Operator when upstanding churchwomen compete for the affections of the handsome new pastor in a small gossipy town. The Day the Mirror Cried is a little chiller about two elderly reclusive women who are too strict with their niece. Discover the surprising reason why the bug population increased in The Curse of Stinkbug Hollow. Some of the content is amusing, but there are others that made me feel the haunting pangs of romance shining through, like the beautifully written The Ship’s Lantern. The poems that precede each story are interesting to read too. They are deep in meaning, reflective, and contain their own unique visuals that are visible in the words.

Saundra Kelley has written a remarkable book, which combines poetry and prose. The Day the Mirror Cried contains humour, sadness, nostalgic moments from the author’s life, and light mysteries. The author’s writing style is so relaxed, as though she is relating the stories in person. It has a personalized touch to it that lured me into each story and poem. Saundra Kelley writes with a refreshing approach to storytelling. Her vibrant personality is displayed everywhere. She is descriptive in her writing, and the tales and poems are original. The Day the Mirror Cried is a lovely book with an appealing cover. I enjoyed Saundra Kelley’s work; other readers will like these stories too.