The Debutante

Young Adult - Action
256 Pages
Reviewed on 08/27/2011
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Joy Hannabass for Readers' Favorite

Annie's life took a turn for the worse when her dad moved the family from the only home she'd known in Connecticut to Beaufort, Alabama. Being her senior year, she left all of her friends, including her boyfriend, behind. How could her dad do this to her!

Annie was not happy starting life in Alabama. She didn't want to make new friends; she wanted her friends back home...until she found out her boyfriend was now dating her best friend. What was going on with this? Well, now it looked like she had an ex-best friend, an ex-boyfriend back home and no friends in the new place.

To add to her troubles, Annie's grandmother invited her to the annual Grace Children's Hospital/Junior League Honor Luncheon at the Beaufort Women's Club. As they rode to the luncheon in Grams' huge, silver Cadillac, Annie was devastated to find out that Grams' real interest was in making her a debutante. Annie was definitely not going to go through with that, but Grams put some demands on her that gave her no choice but to go through with the whole humiliating process. What was Grams up to, and how will Annie deal with what is expected of her?

I enjoyed reading this sweet, fun book about Annie. Even though she was horrified of the changes, she learned things she didn't know about her old life, and realized that her new life was not so bad after all. Kathryn Williams writes a wonderful book weaving characters that bring to life the true attitude of teens and how they handle changes in their lives. It helps them realize changes are not the end of their lives but can be fun, interesting, and in their best interest. I highly recommend this book to any young adult wanting a fun, easy read.