The Devil's Serum

Ramblings of the Damned Book One

Fiction - Supernatural
34 Pages
Reviewed on 11/04/2012
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Stefan Vucak for Readers' Favorite

Born in 1870, Christian takes to wandering as a young man, doing odd jobs. One day, close to his old family place, he is hired as a farmhand by a beautiful young woman, Corinne. As she walks away, he finds a whiskey bottle at his feet and takes a drink. At a tavern, a stranger tells him that since he drank he is not immortal. Christian works for Corinne for six years. He is now 50, but looks 40. He decides to leave her and starts wandering again, exploring his immortality. He returns to Corinne’s farm, but she is married and has children. He stays while she ages and dies, though he remains young. At a tavern, he meets the man who concocted the brew he drank and Christian makes a bargain to have Corinne brought back to him. When he returns home, he finds her young, but she does not know him. He realizes that she was not brought back to him, but that he was sent back into the past to meet her again.

With "The Devil’s Serum", Ashleigh Wolfgang takes the reader into a strange journey that explores a complex personality, all too real human frailties, and flashes of greatness. Wolfgang has a compelling writing style that is a pleasure to read, although thorough proofreading would have eliminated basic and irritating punctuation errors. It is unfortunate that he tells his story in only 27 pages.