The Distant Echo

The First in a Series of Echoes

Fiction - Science Fiction
507 Pages
Reviewed on 09/03/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by K.C. Finn for Readers' Favorite

The Distant Echo is a work of fiction penned by author Jason Daniel Covey in the science fiction, action, and adventure genres. It is best suited to mature readers owing to scenes of graphic violence. In this gripping and action-packed tale, US Air Force scientist Alexander Green, creator of an advanced dimensional-energy weapon, dies during a system test. His consciousness is mysteriously transmitted across space and reanimated aboard an alien starship. Trapped on the far side of the galaxy amidst a devastating war, Alex learns that Earth is being targeted by aliens. To save humanity, he must choose between his scientific principles and a fantastical power he never believed in.

Author Jason Daniel Covey blends science fiction and existential dilemmas in a compelling emotional balance. Alexander Green's transformation from a grounded scientist to a man confronting extraordinary realities was both thrilling and thought-provoking, and the close narration of his journey with intense psychological detail helps us follow along. The concept of his consciousness being transmitted across space and reanimated on an alien starship was a fascinating idea that was well-achieved and realistically built into the plot, and the story’s internal logic concerning technology and how it interacts with humanity felt rock solid. The depiction of the alien war and the revelation of Earth's impending attack heightened the stakes, making Alex's struggle deeply compelling and tied into a bigger picture filled with danger and high-stakes action. Thanks to the attention to detail in emotion and narrative focus, I felt a profound empathy for Alex as he grappled with his understanding of reality and the desperate need to save humanity. Overall, The Distant Echo is a mesmerizing read, combining intense action and deep moral questions with brilliant results.

Gaius Konstantine

“Everyone dies, life goes on, and soon the things of that life are forgotten.” For Alexander Green, the protagonist in Jason Daniel Covey's novel The Distant Echo, death is the least of his worries. Manipulated throughout his life by unseen forces, Alex becomes a scientist working on a top-secret project and an unstoppable technology. When Alex attempts to demonstrate his creation, a freak accident sees his consciousness travel 70,000 light-years away and enter the body of a reptilian warrior. His new reality is puzzling as he finds himself amid a war between reptilians and humanoids. Both of these alien races are malevolent, utterly vile, and with knowledge of and a desire to conquer Earth. Trapped in a vicious universe of unspeakable horrors, Alex realizes that the best possible outcome is the destruction of both sides.

Epic, original, and greater than the sum of its parts, The Distant Echo by Jason Daniel Covey is a science fiction novel with a heavy focus on massive space battles. The intricate plot focuses on discovery and the struggle for survival, both on a grand and personal scale. Strong themes, including the power of faith and the spiritual growth of an arrogant man, give the novel an emotional punch that is not usually present in stories of this genre. The characters are well-developed, and the carefully crafted aliens are plausible possibilities of what may lurk out there. A stunning and rapid pace creates unbridled tension quickly and manages to sustain it throughout the novel. For adult fans of science fiction and those who can easily reconcile science with God, The Distant Echo is an innovative tale that will please.

Paul Zietsman

The Distant Echo by Jason Daniel Covey is a riveting story featuring science-fiction elements of space travel and futuristic warfare. Alexander Green is on the verge of great success. He led a military project that was technologically ahead of its time and could change warfare and space exploration for good. However, just before going live, something goes wrong, and Alex, rather recklessly, attempts to fix the problem himself. An accident occurs, and Alex falls from the transmission tower and is also electrocuted. His consciousness remains, but he finds himself in the body of an extraterrestrial being. At first, he thinks he is dreaming but has to get to grips with his current reality—that he is in the middle of a war between two extraterrestrial species. He learns that Earth is in jeopardy of being attacked by these alien species.
Alexander Green is a multidimensional and endearing character. As the story progresses, so too does his character, exponentially. I enjoyed how Jason Daniel Covey took me back to Alex's childhood and later memories, and there is an interesting contrast between his memories, which are mellow and dreamlike, and his current situation of chaotic warfare that proceeds at a thrillingly electric pace. The action scenes and otherwordly weaponry and vehicles are well depicted, which made it easy for me to follow the story, although most of it occurs in an alien world. The realizations that Alex comes to and the lessons taught to him by his mentors growing up add depth and deeper meaning to the plot. The Distant Echo is a thrilling and exciting science fiction novel that will delight genre fans.