The Duke’s Unexpected Love

The Strongs of Shadowcrest Book 1

Christian - Romance - Historical
262 Pages
Reviewed on 07/23/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Priya Mathew for Readers' Favorite

The Duke’s Unexpected Love by Alexa Aston is a sweet Regency romance. James Jones, aka James Strong, a sea captain with a hidden past, sails into the life of an intelligent and smart widow, Sophie Grant, who runs a shipping empire. A viscount’s daughter, Sophie Grant was married off to Josiah Grant, an older businessman, due to her father’s financial troubles. Despite the unconventional match, Sophie learns to be a smart businesswoman, commanding respect on the docks and thriving on the thrill of a well-executed trade. James remembers little of his childhood but has risen from cabin boy to captain on one of Josiah’s ships. A chance encounter with a stranger helps him remember his identity as the heir of the Duke of Seaton. Thrust into this new world and a society he can’t yet fully comprehend, James finds himself drawn to Sophie and hopes she will love him for himself and not just because he is a duke. Will James be able to create a future with a woman who defies the expectations of polite society and cherishes her hard-earned autonomy?

The Duke’s Unexpected Love is the first book in The Strongs of Shadowcrest series by Alexa Aston. As the first in the series, Aston has taken time to introduce the various characters that make up the Strong household since I’m sure that they would form the basis for the upcoming books. The narrative is vivid and descriptive and helped me picture the scenes as they unfolded. The story has a clear and engaging arc, featuring both triumphs and challenges which kept me emotionally invested. Aston has created a cast of characters you want to get to know better. I especially loved Sophie’s independence, her sharp mind, and her resourceful spirit, which she uses to rescue herself when she is in trouble, instead of waiting like a damsel in distress. The Duke’s Unexpected Love explores the power of genuine connection, embracing second chances, and defying societal expectations. Overall, this book is a delightful start to the series, and I’d recommend it to readers who enjoy Regency romances with strong, independent heroines and intricate plotlines.