The Fabulous Adventures of Olly Oogleberry

Mission to Save Earth

Children - Fable
52 Pages
Reviewed on 08/24/2012
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Author Biography

Having created Olly Oogleberry at the ripe old age of 12 while staring out the window in 7th grade math class, it only took Lou Hughes another 30 years to finally bring his childhood creation to life.

Inspired by his two daughters with whom he would concoct nightly bedtime tales of earthly wonders and alien misfits from distant galaxies, Lou Hughes created Olly Oogleberry as a vessel for learning about the extraordinary universe in which we live, and our tiny, but meaningful place in it.

Now fully grown up, Hughes serves as Principal and Chief Marketing Officer of Moving Minds, a strategic marketing and brand consultancy.

Hughes holds a B.A. in Communication from the University of Alabama, and has received numerous industry and corporate awards for excellence in marketing, e-commerce and creative achievement, including 2012 Book of the Year by Creative Child Magazine, 2012 Moonbeam Gold Medal Award, 2012 IPPY Award for Graphic Book: Humor/Cartoon, 2012 Tillywig Top Fun Award, 2012 Family Review Magazine Gold Award, a 2012 Family Choice Award, 2012 Readers' Favorite 5 Star Award, 2012 Webby Award, 2011 Interactive Media Award and a 2011 Davey Award.

    Book Review

Reviewed by Joy Hannabass for Readers' Favorite

Olly Oogleberry made his first appearance in 1981 through the dawdlings of a restless seventh grader, Lou Hughes. Now after thirty years, Olly has resurfaced in the new children’s book “The Fabulous Adventures of Olly Oogleberry.” Olly is going on an adventurous mission to save the earth, but since he can’t do it alone, he carefully and wisely chooses a crew of misfits to join him on his great mission and what an adventure it was! Your child will fall in love with the adorable Olly and his gang.

This is an adorable book and a fun way to start teaching children about the universe. The story is fun, exciting, easy and short to read. And the illustrations are some of the best to capture the child’s attention. The book uses bright, vivid colors and all of the child-like characters are cute, fun and just adorable. I really love Olly who is so precious and has found a place in my heart! My three year old niece loves this book so much that I had to read it to her over and over. She will sit for a long time and just look at the pictures and talk to Olly. I highly recommend this book for your home library. You too will be enjoying Olly Oogleberry's adventurous mission. This book would also be great for any school, church or public library, as well as a really nice book to use for home schooling.