The Fairy of the Enchanted Lake

Stories from the Stars

Children - Fantasy/Sci-Fi
176 Pages
Reviewed on 08/30/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Anne-Marie Reynolds for Readers' Favorite

The Fairy of the Enchanted Lake: Stories from the Stars by Kris Nedy is a children's fantasy adventure. Michaela lives a quiet life in the mountains, but she has big dreams – she wants to be the most beautiful girl in the world. She has no friends, so while playing alone one day, she goes into the woods. Lost, she continues until she reaches a lake. In that lake is a fairy who tells her how to get home but also how to get back to the lake. Could this be the answer to her dreams? When things get bad, she returns to the lake and makes a wish against the fairy’s advice. Suddenly, she is beautiful, living in a fairytale castle surrounded by riches and adoring people. But the old saying, “Beauty is only skin deep,” is suddenly true as something dark stirs within Michaela. Now, the real battle begins as Michaela must find her way back to herself. Will she win the toughest battle of her life?

Wow. The Fairy of the Enchanted Lake by Kris Nedy is a different look at fairy tales with a unique plot and an exciting storyline. Our main character is a young girl who is fed up with being teased and wants nothing more than to be beautiful and adored. Her character is wonderfully well-developed, as are the other characters. This is a compelling story, written in a way that makes it easy for kids to follow but equally exciting for adults, too. It’s more than just a fairy story, though. It delves into the human psyche, into how we all wish for certain things but are unaware of the consequences of getting everything we want. It is about the inner fight between good and evil that we all experience at times, and if this highly imaginative, vivid tale teaches us one thing, it’s this – be careful what you wish for! I thoroughly enjoyed it and, although it is aimed at a younger audience, plenty of adults like myself will enjoy it, too.